Chapter 38 - Searching around the entire city

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Waking up with a headache was not a new thing but recently, it hadn't been as usual. I fought the heaviness over my eyelids, trying to open them without causing too much damage to my sight. It was clear that the light in the room was too light for me to function but I did my best in order to ignore it.

"Shit," I mumbled quietly to myself, reaching out to tap the space between me and expecting to find a sleeping girlfriend there but instead, I was met with an empty space and a pair of white sheets, "Jessica?"

My voice echoed through the room and when I sat up, still fully clothed from last night, to finally take a look around, I realised this wasn't our usual bedroom and I pieced two and two together. Despite not being able to remember a single thing from what happened last night, I could understand that whatever happened wasn't good. I was laying in the guest bedroom and had a huge headache, the last thing I remember was fighting about the Lucas thing. I remember storming off after calling her names and I immediately felt stupid for the memories of it.

It's embarrassing to never be able to control myself around her, she drives me insane

I stood up, the room around me spinning slightly for the first few seconds until I got a grip on myself and was finally able to exit the bedroom in order to get to the kitchen. I was hoping to find her there or perhaps she was still sleeping upstairs.

But the kitchen was empty and so was our original bedroom.

I sighed, calling out her name a couple of times throughout the house as I walked around and checked the rest of the rooms. She could easily be hiding somewhere considering this house was huge enough to play a great round of hide and seek but I also knew that if she was here, I feel like she would've shown herself already. She doesn't usually stay quiet when she's upset with me so I didn't expect her to be any different right now.

The scent of my body hit my nostrils and I almost immediately understood why she wouldn't want me sleeping next to her, the smell of me probably being enough of a distraction to not even be able to fall asleep. I made myself a mental note to shower after I was done looking for her. In my mind, I imagined her being somewhere. Where else would she be?

"Jess, baby?" I called again, already knowing it was pretty pointless considering she hadn't answered me the first few times I've called her. With a bit of frustration, I entered the kitchen again, being met with the same emptiness as the first time but this time also realising there was a letter on the kitchen island.

Without hesitation, I grabbed it quickly and tried to convince myself that it was a letter written by her to tell me she was out shopping or something. I think I somewhat knew that wasn't actually going to be the content of the letter but I wanted to continue hoping it was, for a few more seconds. Just like I had imagined, my wishes were totally ripped apart as I read the actual words that her handwriting had left behind.

"Taking some time for myself, you really messed me up this time, J."

I stared at the sentence, reading it over and over again to try and understand what it meant. My eyebrows furrowed together as I tried to force myself to remember what really happened last night but all I could remember was storming out after our argument and after that, literally, everything was a blank point.

"Fuck," I mumbled to myself again. 

I had a hard time figuring out what I had done other than that argument, I knew I called her names that were inappropriate and uncalled for but I was ready to fully apologise to her now. If only she would show her face so I could truly apologise for my actions, I'm fully aware that they weren't the best but she can't run away because of that.

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