Sorry !

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This is not the chapter but im working on it im writing the next chapter whenver i get the chance anyway my friend and i wrote a book together and i was hoping you guys can check it out 

Its called Badass to the throne 

Amanda Evans is a girl that is nearly never noticed. She's a badass and a tomboy. One day, Amanda is "kidnapped" and take back to her home island known as Soul. The city her parents rule, dubbed as The City of the Broken Souls, has been falling to pieces ever since Amanda was moved to the United States in order to keep her safe. Now that she is back she has to kick her butt into shape and become a proper princess so she can help restore the palace. Though, she doesn't take that seriously. That is, until she learns of a dark force known as the Demon's Crown is trying to destroy the palace. As she finally gets into the right mind set, she falls for two of the most charming guys on the island, but one has a dark secret. 


Thanks so much next chapter ill dedicate to the person who left the best comment 

Xoxo ! 

Salvatore SisterWhere stories live. Discover now