Klaus and Death

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Chapter 12

Ava POV 

"Well well well, look at the all mighty Klaus," I sneered, looking him up and down. "I see the rumors about your hotness are false," I added, smirking.

"I’m going to enjoy killing you," Klaus said conversationally, a slight smile on his face.

Suddenly, he cried out in pain as I made him begin the shift into his werewolf form. Muttering a spell under my breath, I surrounded him with a ring of fire. Then I began to chant the spell.

I felt myself growing weaker and weaker with each word I uttered. There was a commotion around me, people running, but they would be too late.

I finished chanting the spell, practically yelling out the words, pushing all of my remaining strength into it, which wasn’t much. But it was enough.

Klaus lay still on the floor. Dead. I smiled slightly seeing this. But then the strength holding up my body gave out, and I fell to the floor as well.

“See you in hell,” I muttered, gladly giving myself up to the darkness.

Stefan’s POV

A couple of minutes after I let Bonnie undo the spell, the others ran out. Fury consumed me. How could Ava do that to me? How could she take Elena’s life away?

Elena’s body lay beside me, and she suddenly woke up.

“Where’s Ava?”

Then the door burst open. I was so startled to see everyone crying. What had happened? But then Damon came in, and my breath caught in my throat.

In his arms was Ava. She lay limp and lifeless. Damon went over and lay her gently on the couch. I looked over at Jeremy. He looked distraught, it reminded me of when Vicky died.

I felt sick in my stomach, my mind numb with shock. I had let her go. I had let this happen. I had promised her that I wouldn’t, but I had.

Not saying a thing, I picked up her body and carried it to her room. This was where she was happiest.

We all stayed in her room for a while, reminiscing about old times, and laughing sadly.

I saw Jeremy quickly slide something into his pocket. Then I suggested that we all get some rest, so we all left her to rest in peace. We would deal with things in the morning.

But I know one thing. I have to be strong. Without Ava, things would begin to fall apart. So I would be strong. Strong for Damon. Strong for Elena. Strong for everyone. But most importantly, I would be strong for Ava. She deserved better.

As I was in bed that night, trying futilely to get to sleep, my thoughts were with Ava, and I let myself fall into a restless sleep, consumed with Ava screaming at me to help, but me turning the other way…


I woke up…. That in itself is a strange sentence. Aren’t I supposed to be dead? Then I smirked. Even hell rejected me! Oh well, not that I was complaining. So I went downstairs and casually started making my breakfast.

“BLACK AND YELLOW BLACK AND YELLOW,” I sang loudly, even rapping when the parts came.

I ignored the people staring at me for a while, but then it proved to be too annoying, so I turned around to face the “gang”. They were all there, even Arizona, the bitch. One thing they all had in common was the red puffy eyes, and dark bags under their eyes. They were also all staring at me like I was a ghost.

“Stop staring at me you guys, it’s freaky,” I commented, moving to the dining table and taking a big bite out of my French toast. “It’s not as if I don’t live here or anything,” I mumbled around the food.

When I was done, Stefan cleaned up after me, so I went upstairs, took a shower, and changed into a pink top and black hoodie, so black shorts and converse. Then I made me way back downstairs.

“How is this even possible?” Damonw as saying, his voice filled with awe and relief. 

“I don’t know,” I replied, as if he were talking to me. “But if you guys come up with anything, let me know!” I added cheerfully. “I’ll be happy to hear all suggestions, no matter how stupid.” I threw a pointed look at Stefan, but no one laughed,

My phone rang then, breaking the tension that had began to build in the room. Oh my god! It was my best guy friend! I haven’t seen him in FOREVER! Lexie and I are pretty close too, but she was always more Stefan’s bff than anything. Lexie and Stefan met first, and she really helped him out of that nasty dark place he was in.

Grinning from ear to ear, I accepted the call.

“AUSTIN!” I yelled, not letting him even speak first. "No way! Yeah, I’m ready and no, I’m going to slap you when I go to the grill. I know right! Okay bye chicca!"

I turned and got my keys. I knew the others were gonna tag along. Rolling my eyes at them, I drove to the grill and parked. When I got out and saw Austin, I squealed and ran over to him. He picked me up and spun me around in a little circle.

We talked for HOURS, completely ignoring the “gang” gawking at us like we were freaks. I mean, talk about rude! Austin also paid them little talking, not once taking his eyes from me.

When we finally got bored of talking, I dragged Austin onto the dance floor, and we started cranking it up to the song “Blow” by Ke$ha.

“Ew, this song really needs to go!” I exclaimed loudly, earning myself a dirty look from the DJ.Austin chuckled beside me.

“Like you could to better,” the DJ said. If his nose got any higher in the air, I would have to punch it off.

“Fine, let’s go moron,” I muttered.

I got onto the stage and sang “Crush” by David Aruslata. I was singing it about Jeremy. He only kissed me once, and I didn’t know where that left us.

Once I was done, I received loud cheers. I grinning smugly at the DJ and went ot leave the stage. But of course, being me, I tripped on the wires and fell off the stage.

Everyone rushed to my side, which just pissed me off. I was sick and tired of everyone thinking I was some fragile thing that would shatter any moment. The only one who didn’t rush over to me was Austin. He just stood there laughing like a retarded seal. I shot him a dirty look which he didn’t see. He was too busy cracking up.

I looked around at all the concerned faces and scowled. I grabbed Jeremy roughly by the hand, causing him to jerk in surprise, and practically dragged him out of there and to the woods. I spotted the little path easily. It lead to a place where I actually felt safe. I haven’t been there for quite a while.  

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