6x21 - Let It Bleed

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Singer Salvage Yard – Night

Bobby drives off. Sam and Dean summon Balthazar. The lights go out and Balthazar appears, a drink in his hand. "I'm sorry boys, do I look like a man-servant to you? No? No? Then quit ringing for me, please"

"This is important, Balthazar" Dean tells him.

"I was drinking '75 Dom out of a soprano's navel when you called. That was important"

"Crowley's alive" Sam nods.

"Well you've been scooped. Cas already told me" Balthazar tells them.

"Well did Cas tell you that she is Crowley's butt-buddy, you smug little dick?" Dean snaps at him, still sore over Cas's betrayal.

"Excuse me?"

"Handshake deal. Go halfsies on all the souls of Purgatory. She fill you in on that?" Sam asks.

"Well, yes, yes. Yes, of course she did. Yes." Balthazar is clearly lying.

"Oh, yes, of course. I – I – we can read it all over your face" Sam tells him sarcastically.

"Look, Crowley and Cas took two people who are very important to me" Dean explains.

"And I care about this because?" Balthazar asks.

"Because maybe there is a shred of decency underneath this – this snarky crap" Balthazar sips his drink "They're innocent people and I'm asking for your help"

"Hmmm. I see. Fair enough" Balthazar disappears.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Look, Dean. Let's just call Cas. Maybe she doesn't know anything about this" Sam suggests.

"We are not calling Cas" Dean denies.

"yeah, but Dean"

"We're not calling Cas!"

"So what then?"


Outside The Garage

"Castiel, it's Sam. Um, so look, I don't know if you're in on this whole Ben-Lisa thing, but if you have any heart whatsoever, bring 'em back to us. C'mon. please. I'm begging you. I am begging you, do you understand?" Sam looks around. Nothing. He scoffs.

As he walks away, Castiel is standing next to him, unseen.


Crowley's Lab

Crowley is reading an anatomy book. Smiling faces sometimes by the Undisputed truth plays. Castiel walks in.

"Sweetie. You look tense" Crowley teases her.

"You took Ben and Lisa" Cas accuses him.

"Oh. That"

"I told you—"

"Not to touch Sam and Dean. And I've respected that. I'm merely exploiting the obvious loophole. As long as I have the woman and boy, your fop-coiffed little heroes will be scouring the earth for them, therefor not you and not me. Everybody wins" Crowley tells her.

"You should've talked to me first" Cas tells him.

"I'd rather ask forgiveness than permission" Crowley chuckles.

"Where are they, Crowley?"

Crowley makes a motion of zipping his lips and putting the key in his coat pocket.

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