6x10 - Caged Heart

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Road Outside The House – Night

Sam is trying to call Castiel "Castiel, we need you. It's important" He gets no reaction. "Cas, we found something. It's this gold box. Apparently Nazis were after it back in the day, someone opened it and their face melted off. I think it's – ready for this – the Ark of Covenant. Yeah. So..."

"I'm here, Sam. Where is the box?" Castiel asks him when she appears.

"I can't believe you fell for that. That was the plot of Raiders, idiot" Sam tells her.

"I'm mid-battle, Sam" She tells him annoyed.

"I could give rat's ass about your little pissing match with Raphael"

"Listen to me, Sam –"

"No, you listen! I don't care what you're dealing with up in heaven. You owe me" Sam interrupts her.

"You may not care, but believe me—"

"I'm sorry, do you think we're here to talk this out?"

"Sam, I can't just—"

"If you don't help us, I will hunt you down and kill you" Sam threatens her.

"Will you, boy? How?" Castiel asks.

"I don't know yet. But I will look until I find out, and I don't sleep"

"You need help, Sam"

"I need your help"


Sam and Castiel enter the house.

"You actually showed. Wow, Sam, I owe you a chicken dinner. What happened?" Dean says.

"No big. This is what friends do for each other" Sam tells him.


Castiel is working a ritual to locate Crowley. "It's not working. Crowley's hidden from me"

"Well, looks like we're gonna have to try this the hard way" Dean says.


Campbell Compound – Night

Sam, Dean and Castiel are searching Samuel's study for clues. They get caught by Samuel.

"can I help you? What do you want?"

"We wanna know where Crowley is" Dean tells him.

"If I even knew, why would I tell you?" Samuel asks.

"Cause you're our grandfather" Dean tells him.

"Samuel, I'm gonna get my soul back" Sam says.

"Who says you can get it back?" Samuel asks.

"Me" Sam answers.

"Look, I'd like to help, but I'm sorry"

"It's your grandson's soul" Dean reminds him.

"I can't"

"What is wrong with you? Do you wanna work for Crowley? Cas, can you give us a minute?" Dean asks Castiel, who disappears. "We're your blood. But if you don't wanna help us I can't make you. But I just gotta know why. What is Crowley holding over you? You owe us that"

Samuel takes out a picture of young Mary and hands it to Dean.



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