Chapter 17: The Mother

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Chapter 17: The Mother

We fought through several more worm creatures. We slid down another steep hill and came to where the ground leveled out and the fleshy walls surrounded us, the only other way to go was through a tiny tunnel that led into darkness. A stench flowed out of it.

"That's probably the place." Justice gestured to the tunnels, I puffed out air and shook my head. 

"This could be it." I whispered over to Anders who nodded slowly, he laced his fingers through mine and squeezed reassuringly.

"We'll all get through this." He smiled weakly, I laughed slightly and nodded.

We walked through the tunnel silently, not wanting to disturb anything and waiting for the inevitable to appear. The tunnel opened into another large cavern that probably was at one time a great hall. Large collapsed pillars littered the floor and the ceiling was curved slightly.

At the end of the cavern there was a large figure, silhouetted slightly. I could clearly see the tentacles waving about and the figure swayed back and forth slightly. As we approached, the body was slumped over and black hair dripped onto the bare chest of the creature.

The Mother straightened up as she became aware of our approach, black blood rivulets had stained down her face like tears and the blood poured out of the corners of her mouth as she smiled wickedly at me.

"If it isn't the hero of the hour! The slayer of the mighty Father, come to claim a reward!" Her voice was raspy, as if she had screamed to the point of losing her voice. "What a delicious day!" She cackled and then stared at me darkly.

"What is that?" Nathaniel said in disgust.

"Am I not beautiful?" The Mother laughed wickedly as she swayed back and forth, I crinkled up my nose.

"Has the Grey Warden come now to slay the Mother too? Will she join the Father in oblivion?" Her eye twitched as she glared darkly at me.

"I would actually want some answers." I demanded, stepping forward slightly.

"Answers? My, you are brave." The Mother smiled at the corner of her mouth.

"Once, the beautiful music sang to us from the deep. Called us near, we would search for that voice." Her voice cracked slightly, "But the Father... he was flawed. He heard only a twisted shadow of it, he hated what it did to us. He said he wanted to free us! But all he brought us was silence!" She screamed out in horror, "Dreadful silence!" She moaned. "But now the Father is gone, the Mother can take her children deep into the earth and care for them. Safe and sound." She said softly.

"Wow." Anders chuckled slightly.

"Not the time!" I hissed and turned my gaze back to the Mother.

"Until you decide to attack us again?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, the Mother knows your ways. You will not let her be. No! Not after what she's done." Her lips curled up. "So it must end! It all must come crashing down!" She shrieked and waved back and forth  frantically.

I ripped my bow off my back as I prepared.

The Mother smiled devilishly at us, "Perhaps we will hear the song again when we die. Oh, let it come. Let it come!" She pleaded. She let out a shriek and as she did so the skin around her mouth peeled back revealing the bones underneath.

"Shit." I breathed and jumped backwards to dodge a tentacle that shot out of the ground. Anders quickly created a storm inside the cavern, surrounding the Mother with lightning. Nathaniel threw his daggers into the stomach of the Mother and she let out a shriek, smacking him to the side with a tentacle.

I screamed out as a tentacle wrapped around my ankle and dragged me across the floor, I grasped frantically at my belt as I tried to find my dagger. The clang of a sword hit the ground and I stopped moving, Justice nodded and quickly helped me up. 

"I need you to give me a boost." I said quickly, Justice raised an eyebrow. "I'm finishing this." I said sternly.

Justice nodded and sprinted forward, slicing through a tentacle as he pulled his shield off his back and readied himself for me. I held my daggers tight in my hand and ran as hard as I could and jumped onto the shield, Justice catapulted me into the air and I stabbed my daggers into the chest of the Mother, burying them as deep as I could.

The Mother screamed out in agony and anger, throwing her body back and forth as she tried to continue fighting. One of her tentacles wrapped around my waist and squeezed slightly, I ripped one of my daggers out and shoved it through her mouth. The tentacle released and I collapsed onto the ground, breathing heavily. The Mother reached at her mouth as blood squirted out of it and slumped over.

I stood up slowly and backed away quickly, Anders narrowed his eyes at the corpse of the creature. I stood still for a moment, making sure that she was dead before turning quickly and heading out of the cavern. I glanced back once more warily.

The horror was dead.

It was over.


Yay! One chapter left! Please comment and vote guys!

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