Chapter 6: The Blackmarsh

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Chapter 6: The Blackmarsh

I quickly made the others eat breakfast and pushed them out the door, I wanted to get the Blackmarsh over with and I was hoping it was going to be straight-forward, but nothing ever is.

I adjusted my pack as we walked through the thick forest to the harsh lands and bogs of the Blackmarsh, the freezing water splashed through my armor and pierced my skin. I gritted my teeth against the cold and pushed on.

The sun was covered by thick, black clouds and rain poured steadily out of them. I pulled my hood over my head and grabbed the edges of the cloak as crossed my arms, trying to keep my heat inside my body. 

Anders shivered and grimaced over at Oghren. "I'm scared. Hold me?" He whined jokingly down at Oghren who growled in annoyance, I rolled my eyes and look down the dark path. It was late evening and the sun would've began going down over the horizon but the thick clouds blocked the rays and made it seem as if it was late at night.

 Growls echoed around us, I peered into the darkness. Anders twitched nervously, I raised an eyebrow his direction, "Darkspawn, I can feel them." He said quietly, I nodded and continued walking silently through the muddy and barely visible paths.

"Keep your guard up!" I whispered loudly so the others could hear me, they all adjusted themselves nervously and gripped their weapons.

I pulled my bow off my back and wrapped my worn fingers around it; another growl came from the brush. I jerked my head that direction and narrowed my eyes, a grub-like creature hopped out, knocking me over.

My head slammed against the muddy ground, I pushed up and shook my head. The hood of my cloak had now fallen off and the rain was soaking my hair and face, I puffed out air and cocked an arrow in the string of my bow, loosing it into the creature quickly.

"I hate those things." Anders groaned as he kicked the squishy corpse. "There's more here somewhere." I sighed and looked around, the marsh was silent.. For the moment.

A strange feeling fell over me and a looked around, little cracks where scattered around the marsh and out of the cracks large black and purple curtains like smoke rose into the air and seemed to bend the very reality around them.

"The Fade?" I glanced over at Anders who seemed just as stumped as I was, "That's where you humans dream, isn't it?" Oghren grumbled, "Dwarves don't dream." He scoffed and walked ahead of us.

More growls and groans echoed around us, but they weren't darkspawn.. It was something else.

"We need to move," I gestured and jogged through the area until the bog opened into a small area that was canopied with dead or dying trees, in the center a man's corpse was laying in a pool of dried blood.

"We aren't the first Grey Warden-" I began but was interrupted when a Hurlock stepped into the area, smiling wickedly.

"The Mother knew you would come." The darkspawn circled our group, I held my bow up with an arrow ready and glared at the creature, I looked out of the corner of my eye to see genlocks and more grubs crawling towards us. 

I sighed and lowered my bow, "The Mother knows all." The hurlock announced, "And you cannot be allowed to continue his work, even if you do not know it." It growled, I raised an eyebrow and looked over at Anders, who shrugged.

"Uh-" Anders began but the darkspawn interrupted him.

"And now the Mother sends you a gift!" The darkspawn smirked as a bright light came from his hand and burst out, the rays forced us backwards and threw us through the air, smashing hard against the ground.


Sorry about the short chapter, I'm sort of stuck right now in writing this book. But I'll get it done!

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