Chapter 13: Freedom

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Chapter 13: Freedom

I blinked rapidly at the bright rays of sun that leaked in the through the window into the library, it was late morning. I groaned as I stood up off the chair that I had passed out in, I tried to work the kinks out of my back and neck but it was hopeless. I shook my head and stumbled out of the library and into the hallway.

"Finally awake?" Oghren chuckled as I stumbled into the kitchens.

"Shove it." I hissed and grabbed a buscuit off the table and plopped down on the plush couch. 

I could hear voices echoing up the hallway, Anders and Justice popped through the doorway. Anders eyes darted over to me and he quickly looked away.

"I understand that you struggle against your oppression, mage." Justice said clearly, Anders shook his head.

"I avoid my oppression. That's not quite the same thing, is it?" Anders raised an eyebrow and grabbed a biscuit out of the bowl on the table.

"Why do you not strike a blow against your oppressors? Ensure that they can do this to no one else?" Justice asked and sat down in a chair, watching Anders with questioning eyes.

"Because that sounds difficult." Anders plopped into a chair and smiled at the corner of his mouth as he took a bite of the biscuit, I rolled my eyes.

"Apathy is a weakness." Justice narrowed his eyes.

"So is death." Anders shrugged, "I'm just saying." Anders said quickly and leaned back in the chair.

There was a long silence between the two as Justice stared darkly at Anders.

"I believe you have a responsibility to your fellow mages." Justice said. I puffed out air, the conversation needed to end.

"That bit of self-righteousness directed at me?" Anders furrowed his eyebrows and chuckled slightly.

"You have seen oppression and are now free. You must act to free those who remain oppressed." Justice said sternly. Anders sighed loudly, he was starting to get annoyed with this weighty conversation.

"Or I could mind my business, in case the Chantry comes knocking." Anders pushed out of the chair and shot me a 'help me' look, I shrugged and laughed slightly.

"But this is not right. You have an obligation." Justice demanded.

"Yes, well... Welcome to the world, spirit." Anders walked over to me.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked quickly, I raised an eyebrow and remembered his request.

"Hold on." I held a finger up and ran into my room and quickly put on my armor and weapons.

"So, who are we meeting?" I asked as we walked through the outskirts of the city.

"An elf," He said softly, "I'm not really sure who.." His voice trailed off as he looked away.

"So I'm on the hunt, for an elf.." I said slowly, narrowing my eyes as we walked through the enormous gates of the city.

"Let's check the commons," I gestured to a street that led back away from the gates and the guards, "If this elf knows where your phylactery is I doubt they will be wanting the guards to be prying." I continued, Anders nodded.

"This means so much to me," Anders said as we crept through the streets, "Thank you." He smiled warmly at me, I smiled back and noticed an elven woman standing away from the rest of the people, clad in steel armor but no weapons.

"There," I pointed at the elf who noticed us quickly, smiling slightly then approaching us. 

"It's about time you got here," She said in a thick accent, I raised an eyebrow. "Namaya? You're still here?" Anders asked, arching his eyebrows at the elf. "I keep my promises. Here, it turns out you were right. The cache is here in Amaranthine." He tone lowered.

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