Chapter 7: Again With This

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Chapter 7:  Again With This

I shook my head and opened my eyes slowly, the world surrounding me slowly faded into view and a bright purple sky hung high overhead. I puffed out air, "You've got to be joking." I scoffed and pushed myself up slowly, the darkspawn who sent us here jumped off the ground and jerked his head around.

"We are here too!" It cried out in anger and shot a glare in my direction, the rest of my group had now gotten up and were standing close behind me, "This was not supposed to happen," The darkspawn growled, "I am the First!" I laughed slightly, "Well the Mother obviously didn't think that, you're disposable." I waved an arm at the darkspawn which growled in annoyance, "I am not disposable!" It growled, "I will be leaving you to the Children, I will be finding a way out." The darkspawn turned quickly on it's heel and sprinted away.

"Really?" Anders groaned as he shot a lightening bolt out of his staff, killing one of the grub creatures. We quickly killed the remaining darkspawn and gathered in a small circle, "The Fade?" I glanced over at Anders who nodded slowly, "You bet," He sighed and walked over to a cliff, the soft rushing of water came up from below us and the city of Blackmarsh looked as if it was in it's heyday. 

I arched an eyebrow, "This isn't the Fade I remember," I narrowed my eyes and looked at the town, the town that we had seen earlier that was decayed and dead, rumored to be haunted.

"You're right, this is different." Anders said softly, "Whoa!" Oghren belted out from behind us, I turned around quickly arching my eyebrows down at the obviously annoyed and unnerved dwarf.

"Dwarves aren't supposed to be in the Fade." He said quickly, Sigrun nodded quickly. "Dwarves do not dream, Oghren said this earlier." She said quietly as her eyes flicked around the hazy area.

"We'll get out," I smiled at the dwarves and then looked over my shoulder at the bright town across the water, "We need to get there, that's our best bet." I said quickly, Anders nodded. 

"Why?" Nathaniel grumbled under his breath but loud enough for me to hear, I narrowed my eyes. "If there's one thing I know about the Fade.. It's that huge structures are usually a big deal." I smiled at the corner of my mouth and stepped over the darkspawn corpses. 

"Have you been in the Fade before?" Nathaniel raised an eyebrow at me as we walked through the marshes, I glanced over at him and nodded. "When the Circle fell apart in Ferelden," I explained, he continued to stare at me with wondering eyes. 

I sighed and smiled weakly, "You've heard about that demons that ravaged the Tower, right?" I asked as we waded through muddy water, Nathaniel nodded. "I needed the Circle's help to defeat the Blight, I had to save the few that I could; but when we neared the top floor of the tower.. A sloth demon was waiting for us and sent us into the Fade." I said softly as I remembered the obnoxious ordeal.

"I had to find them in the maze and defeat the sloth demon," I said quickly, "Really?" Nathaniel's eyes widened, I nodded. "It was annoying.. And set us back." I scoffed, not looking over at him. 

"Here we are," Anders said loudly, I shot a glare back at him and looked at the large gates. We wandered in quickly.

People wondered the streets, speaking to themselves or some invisible object, I narrowed my eyes and looked over at Anders who shrugged, the people seemed to be fearing something called "The baroness." 

"There's nothing to fear!" A demanding voice called out, I raised an eyebrow and jogged towards the voice, a group of villagers were standing at the gates of a large mansion in the center of the town with swords drawn and at the head of the group a spirit clad in shining armor and a shimmering sword was encouraging the people.

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