Chapter 2: Day One

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Chapter 2: Day One

We down the stairs and through the hallways into the main entryway, servants and soldiers had already began cleaning out the bodies and charred rugs. We walked to the end of the massive hall in front of huge banners, Varel turned around quickly and looked between the three recruits.

"We have everything ready for the Joining," He sighed and turned to a table where a large cup sat, filling with the black blood of darkspawn, most likely from the slain ones. I walked up beside Arvel and straightened my back, grimacing.

Arvel announced the joining words to Oghren and handed him the cup, Oghren frowned up at him. "Is this it?" He grumbled, looking into the black blood. Varel nodded, Oghren grumbled and pulled the cup up to his lips, taking down several big gulps. I felt bile rise in my throat, he stopped and burped loudly, making a face of disgust.

"Welcome to the Grey Wardens." Varel rolled his eyes at Oghren and took the pearl goblet from his hands. Oghren stumbled slightly but stayed up.

Varel turned to Anders and handed the goblet to him, Anders gulped and brought the cup against his lips, taking a swig. I coughed as his eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed to the stone floor.

"He live, Commander. He will awaken." Varel announced and looked over at me, I puffed out air and looked over at Mhairi, praying that she would live as well.

Varel took in a deep breath and and looked at Mhairi handed her the goblet, she smiled up at him. "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time." She breathed and brought the cup up to her lips, taking a short sip. She bent over and dropped the goblet, her eyes rolled back into her head as she groaned in pain and collapsed into herself on the floor.

"I am.. sorry, Mhairi." Varel said softly, I shut my eyes tight as I remembered the night of my joining.

"One of the maids will show you to your room, Commander." Varel bowed and helped some soldiers carry Anders down the hall to his room.

I walked quickly down the winding corridors, following a maid who was taking me to my room. She stopped at the end of the hall, pushing her straggled hair behind her ear and bowing slightly at the waist before rushing off back down the hallway.

I opened the door slowly and I felt my eyes widen at the beautiful room that sat in front of me, it had remained untouched by the attack. Beautiful deep red and bright green banners dripped from the ceiling and almost reached the deep mahogany flooring. A green rug stretched in the center of the room, only leaving the edges of the wood exposed to sight; the bed was enormous with a deep red canopy hiding the bed itself. I smiled and dropped my pack on the ground and peeled my armor off, revealing the cream undershirt that was underneath with golden flowing designs etching the edges.

I puffed out air and flapped the curtains hiding the bed away and collapsed into the enormous bed, running my hand over the soft fabric that enveloped my body, closing my eyes tight.

~~~Katria's Dream~~~

I struggled hard against the tight grasp holding me back, tears ran down the high curve of my cheek. Soft lips pressed against mine, the aura of sense of betrayal hung heavy in the air.

 I stared into the deep auburn pools looking into mine, a single tear streamed out of the auburn eyes and a blue flame burst out of them as my surroundings faded into the darkness.


I stood straight out of bed, sweat poured down my forehead. I shook my head, trying to push the dream out of my mind, but I knew I wouldn't sleep any longer for the night.

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