Chapter 12: Trust

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Chapter 12: Trust

We quickly made our way back to Vigil's Keep, Nathaniel talked to Velannat he whole way back and Anders talked to Justice more about mages and all those issues.

I barged into the large doors of the Keep, Varel jumped when he saw me. "Good to see you my lady," He bowed his head slightly and looked past me and Velanna, "I have a new recruit." I gestured to her, Varel nodded, "I'll be back," He said and walked out a door, Oghren was talking to Sigrun in to corner, trying to flirt but it was obviously not working.

"Wow commander, you look a wreck." Oghren chuckled at me, I scoffed. "What happened out there?" Sigrun raised an eyebrow. "I'll tell you after I get some sleep," I said as I threw my pack and weapons down and plopped into a chair and closed my eyes for a few moments.

"Commander?" Varel's voice woke me out of a daze, "It's time," He said and walked to the front of the hall, I followed him slowly, stumbling slightly from the need to sleep. 

Varel quickly said the joining words and handing Valenna the goblet, she looked over at me, I nodded reassuringly. She took a deep breath in and sipped, Varel took the cup out of her hands and she faltered and collapsed. Varel knelt down and nodded, "She will recover, Commander." I smiled slighly, "Thanks Varel." I placed my hand on his shoulder and walked slowly down the hallway, using the wall to hold me up.

I faltered slightly and gasped as an arm wrapped around my waist pulling me up, Anders smiled at the corner of his mouth. I smiled weakly back and leaned slightly on him, sleep was threatening to overtake me and I really wasn't wanting another bruise on the head. His black robe had been taken off and he was now in a soft, beige undershirt and brown trousers.

Anders helped me into my room and I flopped down on the bed, he narrowed his eyes as he stared at the side of my head. 

"What?" I brought my hand up to my head and winced, I forgot about slamming against the rock ground earlier. "That's pretty nasty," He said softly, I shrugged. "I've had worse," I said as I wrapped my hand around my thigh and the large scar that still remain.

Anders smiled weakly and pushed a strand of hair out of my hair and ran his fingers through my hair softly, I closed my eyes at his touch and sighed. "Well," He cleared his throat, "I should turn in," He gestured to the door and began walking towards it.

"Actually," I said after a few moments of internal battle, "Would you mind, uh." I said nervously, "Staying in here tonight, I mean.. Not in the bed but." I stumbled over my words, shaking my head at each word that escaped my lips.

Anders smiled warmly and nodded, plopping down in a plush chair that was beside the window beside my bed. I smiled over at him and stood up slowly, Anders raised his eyebrows. 

"I'm not sleeping in my bloody armor," I said, Anders laughed and nodded. I quickly peeled off the armor, revealing the tattered and torn undershirt that had been white when I had first come here but was now stained with blood and dirt and I pulled my boots off.

I turned around slowly, coughing as I notice Anders staring blankly at me. He jolted and shook his head, looking out the window and trying to hide his blushing cheeks.

I scoffed and curled up under the soft covers of the bed, sighing and looked over at Anders who had his chin resting in the palm of his hand as he stared out the window, the cool moonlight washed over his soft features.

I frowned when I thought about how tired he probably was, "Listen, you don't have to stay in here." I said quickly before I could stop myself, Anders furrowed his eyebrows, "I plan on it," He smiled at the corner of his mouth, I rolled my eyes. 

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