Chapter 1: Arrival

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***********THIS IS BOOK TWO! READ "I AM COUSLAND FIRST!************

Chapter 1: Arrival

Mhairi and I slopped through the mud, I pulled my hair into a loose bun and adjusted my daggers on my hips, sighing deeply. It had only been a few months since the end of the Blight. Cullen had left for Kirkwall and after a heated arguement he made it painfully clear he would not be returning to Ferelden.

Mhairi looked over at me. "We are almost there, Warden Commander," She said gracefully. Mhairi's visit was a surprise and caught me off guard, the Wardens were requesting my assistance in Amaranthine because the darkspawn were not retreating into the deep roads as they should and seemed to be showing signs of organization.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of darkspawn organizing, that would require intelligence the creatures just didn't possess. "Wasn't this Howe's land?" I questioned as the memories of my families murder flooded through my mind, a friend of my family murdered my parents and I avenged them in the best way I could.

I absentmindedly rubbed my temples and stared down at my worn, muddy greaves. A slow rain poured out of the dark clouds overhead.

"What's that?" I asked as I noticed a large plume of smoke rising into the dark sky, Mhairi froze in her footsteps and gazed at the smoke. "That's the Keep," Her voice trembled, I raised my eyebrows at her and walked forward at a quicker pace, unsheathing my daggers.

Sharp pains like needles drilled into my head, it was definitely darkspawn. I took a deep breath in as we walked out of the forest and saw the keep. Houses were burning and the clangs of metal echoed around us.

We jogged through the open gates, a man sprinted past us, darkspawn were close behind. I quickly jabbed one in the chest with my dagger as Mhairi killed the other, bashing it with her shield and stabbing her sword into it.

"What's going on," I straightened my back and looked at the fearful man, he shrugged nervously as he breathed deeply, trying to calm himself. "The monsters came out of nowhere, surprising the Grey Wardens and the few soldiers that were placed here." He sighed and stood up straight, "Where is your captain?" I pressed, taking a step towards him.

The man narrowed his eyes, "Katria Cousland?" His eyes widened as he saluted me, "You- You're the hero of Ferelden, the one who defeated the archdemon single-handedly!" The man exclaimed, I sighed as my shoulder drooped. "Victory in Denerim does not belong to me." I breathed and turned slowly, moving into the keep.

We fought through several waves of darkspawn before making it through the enormous gates into the keep. The insides were burning and the wooden staircases were collapsing. I coughed as I waved away the smoke that was thick in the air.

"That way," I managed, gesturing to a small door that led out of the main entryway. We ran in and paused in our steps as a man finished electrocuting a darkspawn Hurlock.

The man turned on his heel when he heard us then relaxed, sighing deeply. "Er.. I didn't do it." He smiled and leaned on his staff, grinning at me. I scoffed as I looked at the fallen Templars and darkspawn that surrounded the man.

The man had his dirty blonde hair half pulled up behind his head, making a tiny pony-tail. The other half of his hair poured onto his neck and strands dripped onto his forehead, his was quite handsome. He was dressed in a black mage robe, the shoulders were heavily feathered.

"Really?" I said slowly as I sheathed my daggers and smiled at the man.

"You're an apostate!" Mhairi accused, pointing her finger at him. He shrugged and leaned against the wall near us, I crossed my arms in front of my chest and waited to hear his explanation.

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