chapter 10.

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.:Will POV:.

"See ya!" I wave my friends goodbye as we part.

When I'm halfway down the hallway I hear, "What's wrong, fag? Can't you speak?"

I turn the corner to see Nico pinned against the lockers by a guy with bleach blonde hair--Octavian. Nico's face shows no emotion, he just stands there limply as Octavian pushes his arm under Nico's chin, choking him, probably.

But then I see the fear glistening in his dark brown eyes, and I know that Nico can break down any second now. Anger wells up in my throat and in a blur I feel my body slam into Octavian's shoulder, knocking us both to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I see Nico slump to the floor, drawing his knees to his chest. Rage flashes through me again so I punch Octavian in the face before scrambling to my feet to Nico.

"Nico, c'mon, we need to get out here," I say, cupping his face with my hands. The only way I was able to take down Octavian was he wasn't expecting it. He was going to get over his disorientation any minute now and we'll both be in for it.

Nico just nods silently, his face streaked with tears. I stand up and offer him my hand, he takes it so I pull him to his feet and lead him down the hallway, out of the school, and to my car as fast as I can.

* * *

Nico rubs his eyes with his jacket sleeve. "Where are you taking me?" He asks after ten minutes. No wonder he's suspicious, we're on a vacant dirt road miles away from the town, from other people.

I reply, not taking my eyes off the deserted road, "You'll see."

* * *

Another five minutes after that, I veer off the road, driving the car onto grass before parking it and jumping out. I go around the vehicle and open the door for Nico, I extend my hand for him to take.

"Be careful." I warn as I lead him through the thick trees that line the shoulder of the road.

Continuing to guide the smaller boy through the woods, we finally reach a small clearing. I hear Nico's breath catch.

Before us is an old wooden swinging bench, like you'd have on your front porch, with a small, sparkling creek running through the area. The canopy of leaves above us casts shadows on the ground like shattered glass.

I grin as I glance at Nico, gazing at the sight. "C'mon," I pull on his hand, that I never had let go of, stepping over the creek to sit on he bench. Nico sits down too, but he shuffles to the opposite side from me and lets go of my hand.

"You okay?" I ask. He nods, looking down and his hands and twisting his fingers.

I scratch the back of my neck, another question has been itching in my throat since we left the school. "Can I ask you something?" He nods again.

"That guy who had you against the lockers--Octavian--why-why'd he call you 'fag'?" The word stings my tongue.

Nico ducks his head and chuckles lightly, as if it's obvious. "Cause..." He takes a deep breath, "I'm gay, Will."

I don't reply right away, letting his words sink in before stating, "Me too."

His head snaps to me, eyes wide with disbelief. "Well, at least bi." I add.

The dark-haired boy nods slowly. "Now, can ask you something?"


"Why the hell did you bring me here? I mean, kidnapping from school? Gods, Golden Boy."

I smile. "You looked close to a breakdown, I thought you'd want to get out of there. This is where I always come to cool off, to calm down."

Nico's brows furrow. "Why would you need to calm down?"

I instantly regret saying that. I sense my feelings automatically closing off, my mind folding on top of itself to keep from thinking about my problems.

I shrug. "I just... I don't have a great home life, that's all. I never knew my dad, and my mom barely acknowledges me." Except for when she's so wasted that she mistakes me for a punching bag.

"My biological mom and sister died in a car wreck. That's why I have such bad anxiety and panic attacks."

I already know this--the nurse had told me--but I nod in understanding anyway.

GUESSSS WHO'S BACK?? yeah no one cares but I'm back and here's this, hope you enjoy. Imma try to post a chapter everyday or so, thanks loves~

-don't forget to vote and comment c:

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