chapter 5.

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.:Nico POV:.

Okay, okay, I'll admit it, I do feel a bit bad for going off on Will like that. I know, he was only trying to make small talk--which I quite frankly don't do anyway--and to be friendly. He's probably trying to make it less awkward after yesterday, but how do I know he hasn't told the whole school that he was forced to help Nico di Angelo when he had a breakdown?

Okay, maybe that's exaggerating. Will doesn't seem like he would do that... but people seem like what they're not all the time.

I don't want Will to become yet another person to have to fret over me. I already have Persephone, Hazel, and Dad stressing over me, I can't put that burden on anybody else. I can't be a burden to anybody else.

At least Hazel doesn't act like I'm a cracked vase that if you don't watch every little move you make, it could shatter. I wouldn't be able to take it if another person treated me like that. It's not like I have a Caution: Fragile - Handle With Care label plastered across my forehead.

Well, I don't have to worry about that happening with Will, because he's not even going to talk to me after my outburst--and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

* * *

"Nico! C'mon, we're going out to eat!" My dad yells from downstairs.

I groan and roll over... off the edge of my bed.

"Fuck!" I yelp, flailing. I'd had my earbuds in with my phone in my hand so now my earbuds were awkwardly tangled around me. Just then the door flings open, revealing Hazel, her chocolate-caramel hair falling over her shoulders as she leans in.

She takes in my stance and bursts out giggling. "What happened to you? You look like you got sucked in by a tornado and your earbuds turned on you."

I unravel the knotted earbuds. "Thanks."

Hazel comes in and pulls me to my feet. "No problem. Now, we're going to McDonald's. Be ready in five."

"Mm, fine." I say and Hazel darts out of my room. I tug on my jacket and shoes, then ruffle my hair. I hear someone knock on my door. "Coming!"

* * *

When the cashier hands us our food, Hazel takes some giant milkshake-looking thing topped with whipped cream.

"What the hell is that?" I ask, nodding to her drink as I get my own food.

"Mocha frappe." She replies simply, taking a swig. "You wanna try?"

I shrug and Hazel holds it out to me. I lean forward and take a sip, then I automatically grimace.

"Ugh, it takes like coffee!"

Hazel smirks. "You like your coffee like you like girls, Neeks."

"But I hate coffee."



Ayy I got the feels whilst writing this. Ugh. Here's a cute filler chapter. I quite like it, I hope you do to (I sound like a fucking infomercial spokesperson)

Anyway, don't forget to comment and vote! <3

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