Chapter Ten

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Scott carried the other man out of the meeting room, them both fresh and clothed as Mitch slept in the blondes arm. They got dirty looks, but Scott just shrugged them off and laughed, walking the Italian out to his car; one that Mariela had let Scott borrow for a while. Scott sent a message to Mariela, telling her his intentions, putting Mitch safely in the back seat and buckling him in before walking over to the driver's side. He got in the car, turned it on and pulled out onto the rode. Scott didn't know where he was going, but he knew he'd reach a destination soon enough.

Scott didn't know when it happened, but he found himself back at his mother's house, parked right outside. He wondered why he drove there; maybe it was to talk to his mom, or even his real dad. Either way, he was there, and there wasn't really any turning back since Connie was outside, tending her front garden, before noticing the car pulling up. She smiled when she noticed, her son rolling down the window as she walked up to the car.

"Oh hey there!" Connie greeted with her usually sweet smile. "I was definitely not expecting you. Is that the guy you're constantly talking to me about?"

"Yes," Scott answered, "but he doesn't know about Dad yet. He doesn't know where I went or why I went anywhere, so I don't want him to find out this way. How about you come with me and we go get lunch somewhere? I am really hungry from work."

"Yeah that sounds great," Connie nodded, hopping in the car before he drove to their favorite Italian place. "Italian?"

"Ay I can't help but loving everything Italian, Mom," Scott joked, the both of them laughing and accidentally startling the Italian awake. "Oh I am so sorry about that. I didn’t mean to startle you."

“It’s okay,” Mitch yawned and stretched, noticing he was in a car. “Wait! Where are we? I hope Mari isn’t upset...”

“I already told her what I am doing,” Scott reassured. “Plus, my mom wanted to go to lunch and asked to bring a plus one and I decided I wanted to bring you. I’m feeling Italian today. What do you think?”

“It’s no imitation Italian bullshit, is it?” Mitch asked skeptically.

“It’s a family owned true Italian restaurant,” Scott explained. “It’s homemade, made from scratch Italian, and the owner wants nothing but real Italian ingredients. Nothing gets more Italian than Mimi’s.”

“I… okay...” Mitch agreed hesitantly, the three of them walking into the restaurant.
“It’s not my Nana’s food but it's great,” Mitch proclaimed after they finished their meal. “I am pretty impressed with this meal.”

“So tell me more about yourself, Mitch,” Connie requested, finishing her chocolate cake.

"Well what is it you want to know?" Mitch asked, nervously fidgeting with his fingers.

"Anything you're open to telling me," Connie reassured.

"Well," Mitch sighed, planning his words. "My parents owned a huge studio that my sister now owns. I own my own photography company and also do photography and videography for the studio. Umm… I’m obviously left handed and I’m very Italian. I love Balenciaga and other female brands, but my go to is sweats and an oversized t-shirt. I met Scott through my job of photographing nfl prospects, as I was assigned to him. I have naturally brown hair but I’ve been dying it a lot to figure out which style I would prefer. I lived in Japan for a bit, and it was quite the experience but it wasn’t really for me. I did, though, meet my business partner, and I am very happy I did.”

“Well you seem like a lovely man,” she beamed as she paid the bill. “All I can truly say is thank you for being here for my son, especially now. He needs someone right now especially since his father is back in the picture.”

“Wait he’s what?!” Mitch gasped, looking over at Scott who was as white as a sheet of paper. “Scott told me his father was dead.”

“Well he just recently found out that his father wasn’t who he thought he was. I thought he had told you about things by now. I am so sorry Scotty.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” Mitch asked, a few tears escaping his eye. “I thought you trusted me…”

“I do trust you, Mitchie,” Scott whispered out. “We weren’t on talking terms when I found out. I didn’t want to pull you into my drama when you were going through so much with your family. I didn’t want to worry you.”

“I’m more worried now, Scott,” Mitch spat. “I thought we got past the being dishonest. You’re really looking bad right now.”

“Well fuck you then!” Scott snapped, making the other two jump and the rest of the restaurant go silent. “I feel like if you wouldn’t have freaked the fuck out, you’d know that I was going to tell you today! I didn’t even tell Ally about this. I wanted to really get to know him before I told anyone. Also, you have no right to be upset. You were the one that fucked up, then you go off to Japan as soon as we start becoming okay again. Then you play with my emotions, make me feel like nothing ever happened. You have no right to say shit about dishonesty. To think I was gonna surprise you by letting you meet him. Once we leave here, I’m taking you back to the studio.”

“But Scotty…” Mitch’s voice faltered, the blond pulling away when the other man tried to touch him. “Please don’t do this. I just got you back. I don’t want this to fuck us up. Please!”

“I’m going to just go myself,” Scott growled. “Mom, can you take him back to the studio?”

“Anything for you my son,” she smiled though her face was full of concern for both of them.

Scott went to say something else, but he shut down, sighing and walking out the door before heading to the car. He had no idea why he panicked, but here he was, running away from the problem like he normally did. Without hesitation, he found a way to turn back around and went right back to the restaurant where he found his mom’s car still in the parking lot. When he got out of his car and went to his, he saw it was only his mom there, on the phone with someone. He knocked on the window and she looked over, rolling it down.

“Where is Mitch?” Scott ask, concern in his voice after seeing his face.

“I told him you’d be back but he wouldn’t listen,” she panicked. “He went crazy. I have never seen him so psychotic. He started mumbling and then just ran out. I was too slow because he was gone when I got out here. I called the cops before I called everyone. I just got off of the phone with Mariela. I am so sorry I couldn’t calm him down. I am so sorry.”

“You didn’t know what would happen, Mom,” he reassured, trying to think of where he would go. “He is probably okay, but we still need to find him. You have my key so go to my house and I will let you know if I find him.”

“Oh please do,” she begged, Scott sighing and running to his car, driving off to look for him. As he pulled back on the road, he got a call from Ally.

“Oh thank God you’re okay! I was worried about you.”
“You should be worried about your wife’s twin, not me.”
“Yeah about that… We were able to find him…”
“Oh well that’s great news.”
“You may wanna save those words.”
“Wait what happened?”
“Just come to the football field and I’ll explain everything.”
“But I wanna…”

Perfect: Book Three of the KMC SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now