Chapter Nine

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Mitch woke up and it was just a normal, mediocre day since he was working on the video with Scott. He had been doing the same thing every weekend for 3 weeks. He regretted agreeing to be involved, but contractually, he couldn't get out of it even if he tried. He whined, yawned, and stretched before hesitantly getting out of bed. Not even bothered with life, he decided to just wear a t-shirt and some sweatpants. He threw on a beanie and did just enough makeup to make him look decent enough for the day. He grabbed his backpack and headed out the door to the car.

He made his usual Chipotle stop for the crew and cast, picking up the ten bags of different meals. He stopped by Starbucks and picked up the drinks, safely placing them in the compartment that secured them from making a mess. He made his three other usual stops at different stores, then headed to the studio for the prefilming meeting they had every week. He called his several assistants to come out and grab everything before they headed inside and to the central meeting room where everyone was waiting for him. He greeted with a wave and fake smile before sitting in his usual spot, the assistants handing out the food and drinks to the designated owner.

"What's up with you being late?" Mariela asked, Mitch sighing and rolling his eyes. "I am only asking because you typically you're here before us. I was just wondering if you're okay."

"I overslept so the orders were sent in late," Mitch explained honestly. "I was sleeping and dreaming so well I didn't want to wake up. I totally slept through my alarm. Sorry about that, guys."

"What was your dream about?" Mariela asked curiously, the man obviously searching for an excuse from what it really was.

"The usual," Mitch shrugged. "My favorite male singer...s naked dancing like there's no tomorrow."

"God I could see that," Mariela laughed, knowing her twin too well as he joined in the laughter. "Then you trying to tell him to stop and he's like 'Nope!'"

"That would be interesting," he agreed. "Anyways, isn't this the last week of filming?"

"It sure is," she nodded. "I am pretty sure your customers will just love to see you again. Akira and Thomas told me even they miss you being around."

"Well I can't wait to get back there," he admitted. "I miss my studio and my customers. It's where I feel most comfortable. That is where I feel at home."

"Well let's eat and then we'll finish this up so you can go back to your haven," she nodded before the entire cast and crew ate their lunch in silence.


"And that's a wrap guys!" Mitch called out proudly as he shut off the camera. "Everyone did great and I am sure that the footage is as well. I would say I can get this edited by tomorrow. Until then, everyone is dismissed."

"Hey," Scott greeted after almost everyone had left, Mitch taking down the equipment he had put up. "Are you doing okay?"

"I am perfectly fine," Mitch sighed out, taking the last piece down. "I'm actually doing great. What makes you think something was wrong?"

"Because I know you better than you think I do." Scott reassured. "You are really off today, and I am concerned about you, that's all. I'm sorry if I was overstepping. I was just making sure you were okay. I... I am going to go now..."

"I am really sick..." Mitch called out before Scott could walk away completely. "It won't kill me but it's keeping me from doing most things I used to love to do. I've always had these issues, and I kept them under control, but when I got to Japan, I was drinking more than eating, and now it's gotten a lot worse. I am starting to be able to manage it again, but that's why I got so skinny so quick. I'm trying to get where I need to be again."

"I am really sorry to hear that," Scott held back tears as he stood there in shock. "I... I didn't know..."

"No one but my mother did," Mitch shook his head. "Liver issues run in the family and I already had issues when I was born but they weren't harmful. Then in my teen years, when the things with Donny happened, I became an alcoholic at a very young age. It destroyed my liver, and it was really bad at one point, then I met you. I thought I had found someone to get me out of that bad situation and you did. Then one alcoholic mistake ruined it all and I regret it to this very day. When I move to Japan, I tried to drink the memories away and it only made me sick. Then I saw you again and you yelled some sense into my head. I wasn't mad at you. I was mad at myself. Then you kissed me and I thought that everything was okay. I guess it wasn't because here I am, still hurting and sick as f..."

Mitch couldn't finish his sentence because he was soon in Scott's arms with their lips pressed together. Mitch forgot completely what he was upset about, and his arms soon wrapped around the blond's neck as their lips moved together in a perfect waltz. Mitch couldn't help but melt into the other man's touch and kiss as Scott pulled him into another meeting room, closing and locking the door. Mitch knew that things were about to change, whether for the better or not, and if not, he knew that it would all be worth it. Before they could take it any further, Scott nervously pulled away.

"Fuck!" Scott growled. "I am so sorry. I have no idea what came over me. You were opening up to me and I fuck it up by kissing you."

"You didn't fuck anything up at all," Mitch reassured, trying to pull the blond closer. "You have no idea how long I have wanted this. I have wanted this, wanted you, for so long now, and I am pretty certain that you want me as well. I know this is scary for both of us, because of what has happened, but I promise you that this won't be a mistake; we won't be a mistake. Let's enjoy now, because we're not guaranteed tomorrow."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Scott asked hesitantly, his cheeks red though his lower half said otherwise."I am fucking positive," Mitch answered before their lips were back on each other's as they moved to the table.

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