Chapter Seven

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Scott watched the Italian walk away, and the heartache rushed through his body as he sat there in confusion. His eyes watered up, and Mariela comforting him knowingly; not having to say one word to him. He tried to call Thomas, because maybe it'd make him feel better. When Thomas didn't answer after five tries, though, he sighed, said goodbye, and walked out of the studio, going to a frat party that had just started. The minute he was inside, two shots of vodka were in his hands, He drank both and downed two screwdrivers, finding a place to sit down. Partiers brought him two more solo cups full of liquor. As he's chugging one of them, his old friend, Alivia, walked up and sat next to him.

 As he's chugging one of them, his old friend, Alivia, walked up and sat next to him

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"Hey, Strangers," she greeted with a smile. "I haven't seen you here in quite a while. Wanna celebrate with a couple blunts?"

"Depends on what you have, Sis," he shrugged, starting on the second cup.

"I don't smoke anything but Blue Dream, Scotty," she teased. "Did you forget your favorite dealer, who you've known since you were like ten?"

"Of course not!" he reassured as she pulled the bag of already rolled marijuana out of her pocket. "Are we going to pass one or two?"

"Two," she answered, grabbing two out of her bag. "Do you wanna start with strawberry or mango?"

"Mango for sure," Scott said excitedly, her handing him the blunt.

They both lit up and took a hit, letting the smoke out with a breath. Scott instantly felt a weight lift off of his shoulders, almost completely forgetting the thing that he was wanting to forget. It changed, though, when he remembered the last time he had actually smoked. He remembered him and Mitch alone together after a beautiful fireworks display. He remembered the two of them smoking and escaping reality together. He remembered being so in love that it hurt, but it was worth it. He remembered the raw, passionate night they shared, waking up to the best date he had ever been on. He remembered the exact reason he had fallen in love with that Italian, and it was attacking him really hard. As tears formed in his eyes, he grabbed two more cups, downing them both.

"I want another child," he hiccupped out, everything a haze at that point. "Wanna go make one? I'm up for it."

"Sure," she shrugged, the two of them getting up and finding an empty room.


When Scott woke up, he was naked in a random room, and it was noon like sunlight out. The last thing he remembered was smoking with Alivia, and remembering that night with Mitch. It hurt, more than the hangover he had, and he didn't know what to do. It hurt far too much to work with Mitch again, but he was the only one to understand him enough to make his video come to life. He wanted to talk to Mariela about it, but he knew that she'd talk him into going through with it, even if he didn't want to. With a sigh, he got up and got dressed; deciding that his best bet was going to Ally. With that in mind, he grabbed his stuff and walked back to the studio, taking his car to Ally and Mariela's house. He went to the door and knocked, a very cozy looking Ally opening up the door.

 He went to the door and knocked, a very cozy looking Ally opening up the door

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"Oh hey, Scotty!" Ally greeted, giving him a big hug. "Mari told me you left. Are you doing okay?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," he looked down nervously, her letting him in before they both went to sit down.

"Would you like a coke or some sushi?" Ally asked, pushing a button.

"Both would be great, actually," Scott laughed, Ally giving his a sweet smile.

"Yes, Ma'am?" a female voice called out through the speakers.

"Would you bring me two sushi platters and a soda machine with two cups?" Ally asked kindly, "oh and some Hershey's?"

"Yes, Ma'am," she responded.

"Thank you very much," Ally thank, turning the speaker off. "So what is it that you want to talk about?"

"I'm afraid I'm starting to relapse," he admitted, looking down yet again. "I was doing okay, but being around Mitch is making it worse while making it better. I know Mitch will make my music video incredible, but I'm scared it'll hurt too much working for him. I don't know what to do, Alexandra."

"Oh a full name seriousness!" she gasped, the food and machine being brought to them. "Well I need to know if you want him back."

"I want him more that I have ever wanted anything in my entire life!" he admitted with a sigh. "I want him, no, I need him. I need him to want me, no, need me, again. I am scared, though. I don't want to hurt Thomas, because he's so sweet. He's such a great guy to be around, and I just don't wanna break that big heart of his."

"Scotty, I am 100% certain that he really likes someone else," she explained with a big smirk on her face, "and I am just as certain that the guy likes him back. He'd be much happier with him, and you'd be happier single until you figure shit out."

"Does he really like someone else?" Scott asked, oblivious but happy to hear that.

"Thomas and Akira were practically planning their wedding the very second they met," Ally laughed. "Mari told me about a conversation she had with Mitch. He had said that he's only seen Akira that happy when he's around his family. He said that Akira only had that much passion for his work, and he saw that same passion in Akira's eyes when he looked at Thomas. That Japanese man is smitten with your boyfriend, and I am certain that Thomas is smitten as well. What I say is you call Thomas and invite him to talk. I'll have Piper transfer your stuff to your room, and I'll have her grab some food and an extra cup for Thomas. You go on and go to the other room to make the call."

"I guess I can at least try calling him," Scott gave in, going into another room and calling his boyfriend.

"Hey, Tommy. Did I wake you?"
"No. I was just driving when you called yesterday. I am currently at home."
"Oh okay... Hey, I was wondering if you'd meet me at Ally and Mariella's house."
"Oh, did I do something wrong? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, and you didn't do anything wrong. I just have some things to tell you, and it's not appropriate to tell them over the phone."
"I understand. I will be there in about 5 minutes."
"Okay. I will see you then."

"Are you finished on the phone?" Ally asked, Scott nodding and following her to the bedroom they had made for him.

"Am I going to regret this, Ally?" Scott practically begged for reassurance.

"I don't think so," Ally gave him the reassurance that he needed, walking out and leaving him to wait for the man to arrive.

Perfect: Book Three of the KMC SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now