The Hero?

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     The scary red slimes were getting closer and closer to me as every second passed. I shut my eyes getting prepared for the pain but suddenly, an idea came over to my head. I could use the pickaxe to mine away underneath my feet! I soon as I thought of this I became super confident.  However, something obviously had to go wrong. As I took out my diamond pickaxe ,which I luckily still had, I heard a rumble of zombiepig men growling and rampaging like a earthquake heading towards me.  Almost having I heart attack I threw my pickaxe in the air suprised. "Darn it why can't everthing go my way !", I screamed to myself. Well now I was definitely screwed. No matter what happened I wouldn't get out of this one.  I have lava chunks and a mob of zombiepig men all coming towards me while I have a a person on my back. Again I was wrong. Out of nowhere, a block broke beneath me and and I fell hard in to a dark strip mine in the nether. Before thinking about what just happend, I quickly placed a block of netherack right above me to block off the hole I came from to stop any mobs from getting in. I puffed in relief and laid down flat on my back in exhaustion. After breathing in and out a couple times from being terrified, I looked up to see where exactly I fell in. It was the deep empty stripmine but I could barely see a faint glowing red light just in the abyss of the mine. I slowly walked closer and closer to the light scared. Once I got close I knew it wasn't a human. It looked liked a small red flame and as I got closer I instantly knew what it was. It was the mysterious cat. As soon as the cat noticed me, it ran of in to the dark abyss meowing. This time instead of chasing the cat I silently followed the cat's steps ,almost tripping on my own foot at one point, throught the thin mine. However,  the cat was way faster down the tight mine since it was many times smaller than myself and additionally I had Jennifer on my back . The foot steps I had been following started to became fainter and fainter until it completly disappeared from my sight. After losing the cat completely  I was left behind in the pitch black cold darkness with only one way to go.


Here's the update guys!

I might not be able to update for a couple weeks since im on vacation. :D

I didn't edit this quite as well so sorry :p

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