The Cat

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The next day I was getting ready to mine. I got 2 stone pickaxes, an iron pickaxe, an iron sword (just in case I find a dungen), and a few torches from my chest. After, I realized that I needed more torches so I went out to get more wood. While I was chopping down trees, I saw the wierd cat again. This time I followed it and it lead me to a cave. Just before I was about to enter, I heard hissing noise and when I looked back ,I saw a creeper and it blew up almost instantly and knocked me back a few blocks. As soon as I got up, I saw two more creepers. So I quickly got my iron sword out and stabbed one of the creepers and it dropped a gun powder. After, I faced the other one and managed to kill it by cutting of its neck just before it blew me to pieces. "Stupid creepers," I mumbled to myself. After I collected the gun powder, I looked back towards the cave and the cat was gone. I was thinking of searching for the cat ,but I was tired from the fight so I went back home and slept while thinking about the cat again.


will be updating soon!!

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