The Unrevealed Shadow

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Although the zombie pigmen weren't getting closer, it seemed like it took forever getting up the strangely grey hill. The hill looked pretty average from looking at it far away but it was unusually mucky and sandy once stood on. To make the situation even worse, Jennifer tripped on the floor, or something some what close to a floor, and bonkered out hard right before she finished her sentence. Which also ment that I had to carry her on my back, and let me say something while Jennifer is still unconscious. Either Jennifer eats an observed amount of mushroom stew, or she has lot of stuff in her backpack because she is way heavier than you would of ever imagined. Anyways, moving on, I was running/walking up the grey hill almost reaching the top when I saw a strange pack of slimes all lined up hopping their way around the nether. " What are they doing in the nether? ", I thought to myself. Just then, one by one each and every one of those slimes jumped into a lava pool slowly but surely. In the first couple seconds, nothing really seemed to happen to the slimes but suddenly, the pack of slimes started to rumble and heat up with smoke starting to come out of their heads like a volcano. After, they turned fiery red and started shaking like crazy until their once green skin started to partly peel off into a shape of a spring. They all froze for a second. Then suddenly, they all glared at me with their crystal black eyes shining like an ender pearl right at me. I was absolutely petrified and I couldn't move a muscle.  One slime ,or red slime I guess I can say, that looked the biggest slowly started lurching towards me thumping the ground and spraying lava every step it took. After the the big slime took a couple steps the rest of the pack started following it's lead. Dozens of lava slimes were lurching towards me yet I was too scared too even move a muscle.  They got closer and closer until they got so close that I thought I could feel their heat blazing around me. I was trapped and had nowhere to run to. I was going to burn to death.


sorry guys again with the long wait I was just so into other stuff

hope you like this chapter and I'll try my best to upload the next chapter soon

See you guys later :D May have some grammer errors

but im too lazy to fix those things XD

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