The Creatures Of Mystery

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They were coming closer and closer and I could start to see their shadows. "Maybe there friendly creepers" I stated to Jennifer. "First of all, there's no such thing as creepers in the nether, second of all, creepers arn't friendly" Jennifer commented. "Actually, last Sunday I was walking along through the plains just as any ordernary day but then a creeper popped up absolutely out of nowhere right smack in front of me so I then dived for cover and curled up in a ball. However, this creeper was different from others. He just came up to and just said " Why would I blow up and kill myself when you can just respawn!?" So then we were like " let's be best bu-"  before I finished my sentence a shining budder (those of you who don't know what budder is which is absolutely astonishing and something you should of known since you were born it's gold) sword slashed me just as I was ducking in the hair which made chucks of my precious beautiful hair fly everywhere. "Less talking more fighting!!" Jennifer yelled. I crawled towards the fire and dived for the iron sword ,since stubbern Jeniffer took my diamond one, while couple more slashes narrowly missed me. The horrid creature started lurching closer and closer to me and by the time I got a hold of my sword the creature was way to close to slash so I full on body tackled him to the ground and stabbed it with all my might right in its heart.(I least think so since it was this green thing). I looked up and saw the disgusting creature for the first time. Surprisingly the creature didn't look that scary since it had a funny looking pig nose. I looked back to check on Jennifer to see her finishing off her second creature.(Well easy for her since she steals my favorite diamond sword). I stand up covered in green slime to see that there's hundreds of more creature surrounding us, ok maybe more like dozens but still. At that moment Jenifer and I both see a grey hill that the creatures haven't covered up yet. We ,Jennifer and me, both at the same time start to sprint like the end of the world towards the hill. While we start sprinting I ask her, "what were those things?" Jennifer answers back, "those things were called zombie pig mans they're the mutation of pigs!". Just then a idea poped up in my head. I take out my leftover carrot that's in my pocket that was there for what ever reason and I toss it towards the zombie pig mans. No luck, the pig mans just chopped the carrot to bits and kept chasing us. While I was disappointed, Jennifer spoke up, " Usually zombie pig mans don't hurt you unless you hurt them first". "Then why did they attack us?" I asked back. "Well I've been attacked by mobs more frequently recently so did some research around this place and I figured out that the mobs were forced or ordered to attack me by a sinister,vicious guy named..."


Yaaaaay! I finally updated.

This chapter I put a lot of work into and it's longer than normal so hope you liked it!

Again guys thanks for supporting me and ill try to update soon. (You can remind me)

Please send me feed back and give me any suggestions and I might take them :)

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