The Truth

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The next day I was woken up by a nightmare of the cat turning into a giant moster zombie, strangling me with it's giant fist , and gobling me whole. I woke up suprised as a chicken getting hit by a diamond sword. (Well the chicken would of died before it had time to be suprised but moving on anyways). I quickly got up and started off my day making breakfast. During the day I couldn't stop thinking about the cat so I finally decided to go back to the cave in search for the mysterious cat. I opened my chest and I got my full iron armor, my diamond sword, my diamond pickaxe, two cooked chickens, ten torches, and five fishes just in case I had to tame the cat. After I got ready, I headed out the door while I gave my dog ,Scrappy, a bone. Once I finally found the cave I quickly got my diamond sword out and headed inside the cave. I started off by placing a few torches inside and surprisingly there wasn't any monsters. I started to head in but suddenly I heared a light purring sound on my side. I looked the way the sound came from and it was the strange cat. I quickly got the fish out and I started to creap towards it slowly. Just when I was about to tame the cat it noticed me and ran further inside the cave so I ran after it. I kept chasing the cat taking whatever it took to tame it. I was really close to the cat now and was almost about to catch it when suddenly it disapeared. At first I stopped running and scratched my head confused but then I started to walk around the cave searching for the cat. I was walking further inside the cave when suddenly I fell through a hole and purpleness filled my eyes and I started to become drousy and I fell asleep.


hope you guys like it so far. Sorry it took me so long to update.

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