The other dimension

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I woke up by the sound of fire crackling. I stood up to see a girl about my height (well everyone in minecraft is the is exact same height but moving on) she was a blonde with a pony tail and looked and smelled, especially smelled, like she hasn't taken bath in 2 years. I looked around to see a reddish blackish place with lava and fire all over the place. "Where am I ?" I asked the girl. She had a are you dumb face and said back to me "The Nether, duh where else, you never heard about it? so I said "umm... I don't thin-" For heavens sakes where have been for the last 300 hundred years! " she interrupted . "Actually, Minecraft didn't exist unti-"  " It's called sarcasm you dumy." she interrupted again. "So, what is this place exactly?" I asked again "Its another dimension in Minecraft thats filled with wierd creature you can get to by using a portal, she replied "  "Then why are you here?" I asked again. "I followed a weird looking cat inside a cave but I fell somewhere and ended up here and I couldn't find a portal back so I've been living alone here ever since until I found you unconscious on the floor in the middle of nowhere." she explained  "oh, the same happened to me" I said. We talked more about the place and about each other, I learned that her name was Jennifer and that she lived here for a couple years. "So", I said "what do you eat around here?" "Well..we got mushroom soup." She answered.  "Yuk I hate mushrooms" I groaned. " Talk about it, I've been eating it for the last couple years" she stammered. We were about to pick some mushrooms when we heard some meowing. We looked towards where the sound came from and saw the weird cat again, but I noticed that there was more than just the cat this time, there were growling noises as well footsteps. There were dark creepy shadows surrounding us.


sorry guys and gals I haven't updated for a long long long long time. And this chapter was pretty boring and crappy. If you ever wrote a story you get really lazyi I haven't used wattpad very often so I'm not too sure when my next update will be. I'll still try too update soon as I can.

And thanks to Katey1 for the support.

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