{17} Poisoned

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It was after we had escaped from the hotel and we decided to stop for food. I wasn't really that hungry, but the boys were starving. We drove until we finally came across a diner so we parked in front of it and walked inside. We sat down at a booth and Sam was looking something up on his laptop while Dean was flirting with our waitress. He never knows when to stop, does he?

The waitress turned to me, "And what would you like?"

"Just a water." I replied. She nodded and wrote it down then turned to Sam asking what he wanted. Sam told her and then she walked away. I turned to Sam, "So do we have any idea where the other two Horseman are yet?"

"Not yet. I'm looking around to see if there has been anything weird going on lately." Sam responded. I nodded and then just kind of drifted off into my thoughts. I could hear the boys arguing, sorry, talking as they like call it, about something although I couldn't hear what. Finally, the waitress came back with our food and drinks. 

She laid them down on the table and smiled at us, "Enjoy!" Then the waitress walked away.  Sam closed his laptop and the two boys started to dig in. I took a drink of my water and as soon as I drank half of it, a taste came into my mouth. I stopped immediately, moving the glass away from my mouth and started to cough. The water had been poisoned with something and I knew exactly what it was. Lomorna [A/N: Totally made that up.] and it was something that was very deadly to Banshees.

"Amy, what's wrong?" Dean asked me. I could already feel myself starting to get sick. I looked to see the boys looking at me with worried expressions.

"The water," I pointed at it. "It's been poisoned with Lomorna." I tried to think about who would do that and instantly I knew. It was the waitress... that's the only person that it could be. Now that I think about it, she was a little suspicious.

"Who did it?" Sam questioned. I saw the waitress leaving the diner so I pointed in her direction. Dean saw who I was pointing at and ran after her. I started to feel dizzy so Sam quickly paid for our food and helped me out to the car. He opened the door and set me in the back. 

My eyes were getting heavier by the minute and they finally closed, but I was unconscious yet. I was burning up which meant that I already had a fever. As I felt myself drift off, I could hear the two boys talking, which meant Dean was back, and I felt someone touch my forehead with the back of their hand.


3rd POV:

Dean was driving the Impala as they tried to find a motel to stay in temporarily. Amy was passed out in the back seat and her fever was getting worse by the minute. Sam looked back and checked on Amy every so often. The girl was also getting paler as well. When they found a motel, they parked and Sam went to get a room while Dean opened the backdoor and picked up Amy.

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