{5} Wish I Could Time Travel

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I walked into the boys room and saw them watching Cas draw a symbol on the table. I walked over to one of the beds and laid in it, my head propped up on the headboard. "So what are you guys doing?" I asked curiously.

"We are going to go back in time to save our parents from getting killed by angels." Sam said casually.

"That sounds like fun. Wish I could go with you guys." I said looking up to the ceiling.

"What do you mean by 'wish you could go'?" Dean questioned me. That's right, they don't know about the curse.

"Banshees have this curse placed on them to where if they go back in time something bad could happen to them," Sam and Dean looked confused. "What happened was a group of banshees would get together and go back to see a dead loved one. The god of time found out and confronted the banshees, giving them a warning as to what would happen if they continued. They lied and said they would stop, but continued doing it behind his back. When he found out they were still using time travel, he cursed them and every banshee to where if they went back in time something bad could happen to them."

Everybody in the room looked at me in slight surprise before going back to doing their own stuff. 


Castiel, Sam, and Dean were packing everything they would need for when they would go back in time. It made me jealous because who wouldn't want to go back in time? I have always wondered what it would be like, but because of the stupid curse, I can't go. So all I can do is to wait until they come back.

"Ready?" Cas asked the boys. Sam took the bag from Cas, swinging it up on his shoulder.

"Not really." Sam replied.

"Bend your knees." Dean said to Sam.

"You guys better bring me back something." I called out to them while I played a game on my phone.

"Will do." Dean said as he and the others left on their adventure back in time.


I was woken by a loud noise in the motel room. Through blurry eyes, I turned to see Dean, Sam, and Cas. Obviously, they were back and seeing as Sam and Dean were still here, their parents weren't killed. "So I'm assuming everything went well." I said still a little groggy and still very tired.

"Yeah. Everything went great." Dean said in confirmation as he laid Cas on the other bed.

"Good." I said as I turned on my side to go back to sleep.

"No, Amy, wake up. If you want to sleep more then go back to your room." Dean said shaking me slightly.

"No. The beds too comfy." I whined. I could hear Sam laughing a little in the background.

"Amy-" Dean was cut off.

"Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of the bed calling to me." I said burying my face into the pillow. Just before I fell asleep, I felt myself get picked up and I buried my head into the person's shoulder. The last thing I felt was the softness of another bed then I was out like a light.

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