{16} Lucifer

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Sam, Dean, and I walked into the lounge when we heard a man screaming. We quickly hid where they wouldn't see us and watched. "No! N-No! No! Please! Gah!" The man called out. Four men, one of them being Odin, pushed the man onto the front desk. Dean got off of the wall and was about to help the man, but Sam held him back.

"It's too late." Sam whispered to Dean. I looked over and saw one of them raise up a cleaver and I turned away not being able to watch anymore. I heard a thump and then the screaming stopped.


We were in the kitchen and Sam was trying to pick the lock to the freezer. The people in the freezer were banging on the door and screaming. I heard a crash so I turned to see Dean across the room. Zao Shen stood in front of Sam and I, and he reached out. He wrapped his hands around our necks and started to choke us. Sam groaned while I gasped for much needed air. My vision started to get blurry when suddenly Zao Shen cried out in pain and he let go of us. I looked to see Dean holding a stake and Zao Shen was dead.

"Where the hell is Gabriel?" Dean asked.


Here we are... being once again thrown into the Grand Ballroom. We just can't catch a break today, can we? "How long have you known?" Gabriel questioned Kali.

"Long enough." Kali replied. The three of us were pushed into chairs and the guys let go of us.

"How's the rescue going?" Dean asked sarcastically.

"Well, surprise, surprise. The Trickster has tricked us." Kali stated.

"Kali, don't." Gabriel pleaded.

Kali didn't listen though, "You're mine now. And you have something I want," Kali reached into Gabriel's jacket and pulled out an angel blade. "An Archangel's blade. From the Archangel, Gabriel." Kali announced to the other Gods in the room.

Gabriel smiled, "Okay, okay! So I got wings, like Kotex. But that doesn't make me any less right about Lucifer."

"He's lying. He's a spy." Kali said.

"I'm not a spy. I'm a runaway. I'm trying to save you. I know my brother, Kali. He should scare the living crap out of you. You can't beat him. I've skipped ahead, seen how this story ends-" Gabriel was cut off.

"Your story. Not ours. Westerners, I swear. The sheer arrogance. You think you're the only ones on earth? You pillage and you butcher in your God's name. But you're not the only religion, and he's not the only God. And now you think you can just rip the planet apart? You're wrong. There are billions of us," Kali's voice broke. "An we were here first. If anyone gets to end this world, it's me. I'm sorry." Kali used the angel blade and stabbed Gabriel. Light came from Gabriel's body as he screamed and then he was dead.

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