{11} The Prophet is Actually Not a Prophet

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I was sitting in the boys' room with Cas and Sam. Sam had messaged me and told me to come over when Cas arrived. Dean was who knows where so it was just the three of us right now. Cas was stumbling around a little which made me confused. Was he drunk? "Hold on... Are you drunk?" I asked Cas.

"No...Yes." Cas replied reluctantly as he held onto something for support.

"What the hell happened to you?" Sam questioned the angel.

"I found a liquor store." Cas responded.

"And?" Sam asked.

"And I drank it. Why'd you call me?" Cas asked as he came stumbling toward Sam.

"Whoa. There you go. Easy. Are you okay?" Sam questioned him as Cas stopped walking. Cas gestured for Sam to lean closer and Sam did.

"Don't ask stupid questions," Cas whispered in Sam's ear. Sam leaned away from Cas and the angel sat on the bed beside me. "Tell me what you need."

Sam began his explanation, "T-there have been these—these demon attacks. Massive, right on the edge of town. And we can't figure out why they're—"

Cas cut Sam off, "Any sign of angels?"

"Sort of. They've been speaking to this prophet." Sam replied.

"Who?" Cas asked.

"Um, it's this girl, Leah Gideon." I responded.

Cas turned to me and shook his head, "She's not a prophet."

"I'm pretty sure she is. Visions, headaches—the whole package." Sam explained to Cas who look a little annoyed.

"The names of all the prophets, they're seared into my brain. Leah Gideon is not one of them." Cas said looking up at Sam.

"I knew it." I said to myself. The two looked at me with confused expressions.

"What do you mean, Amy?" Sam asked me.

"You remember when I got that really bad headache after Leah came over to us?" Sam nodded. "It was because of her. I couldn't make out what any of the whispers were saying though, I had a bad feeling about her and now I know why." I said smiling. I knew there was something off about her. Man, did it feel good being right.

"Then what is she? " Sam questioned.


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