6 || Beach baby

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I woke up breathing heavily. I had a bad dream. My heavy brething woke up Liam and put him in a panic mode. Ever since he found out I'm pregnant, he has become very protective of me, which I think is very sweet.

Perrie called me last night and asked if I wanted to make it a beach day today. I said yes because I dont really have to wear baggy clothes anymore even though I dont have that big of a baby bump. I also feel like I need to get out of the house.

All of the boys are coming to the beach today with us because we havent all seen each other in a while. Liam is the only one whos seen me in a baithing suit so im nervous for all of the other boys to see me in one. The other boys dont even know that Im pregnant yet, were going to tell them today. Perrie is pretty much the only one who knows. Liam wants to take a trip to see his parents so we can tell them in person and I want to take a trip to see mine and tell them in person as well.

"Babe babe, are you ok" Liam asked, "You were breathing really heavy and then you zoned out for a couple minutes, i been shouting your name the whole time."

"Aww, im sorry love, I was just think about telling the boys and going to the beach an-"

"Take a chill pill Lindsay" Liam said in a nice way.

"I know. Im just really stressed out, well about telling our parents and all." I said feeling my eyes getting glossy. Sometimes you just need to cry to make yourself feel better. oh, come on dont act like youve never felt like you just want to cry.

"How about we go out to breakfast to take your mind off things" Liam suggested

"That sounds good, but i dont know when Perrie wants to go to the beach so lets hurry up" I said getting out of bed to go get dressed

"Ok" Liam said getting up to so he can get dressed


We were now on our way to go get breakfast. Whenever Liam and I just wanted to go out and get breakfast together, we always went to the same diner because its a cute romantic and sweet place. They always play calming music and the waitresses are always really sweet.

Liam and I are now seated in a little booth with a t.v. holding hands accross the table.

"Good morning sweetie, what can I get for you" The waitress asked, her name tag read "Sasha"

"Ill have the 2-2-2" I said

"Ok" the waitress said "Would you like your eggs scrambled, or sunny side up. Sausage or bacon, and waffles or silver dollar pancakes."

"Ill have my eggs scrambled, Sausage, and Waffles. Oh and can i have chocolate milk"

"Coming right up" She said

"And for you sir" Sasha asked turning her attention to Liam

"Ill have the same thing please, but orange juice instead of chocolate milk please" Liam said

20 minutes later, Liam and I had already eaten and we were nearly home now. Liam and I like the diner to because there service is so quick. I left Sasha a 20 dollar bill because Im feeling generous today. We also had to hurry up because Perrie called and said that they are ready to go to the beach.

Liam & I were home now and i was racing up the stairs to get ready for the beach. I decided on going with a bikini and flaunting my tiny body while I still had it.

I decided on an pink and blue zigzagged top and bottom i had gotten from target and was definetly my favorite baithing suit i owned. Liam just threw on the same blue baithing suit that he always wore.

I grabbed 8 towels from the closet beacuse I knew that nobody else would remember to bring towels. I had a really tiny bump and decided to take a quick picture in the mirror. I snapped the picture and then asked Liam to come over and take a picture with me.

He stood behind me and put his hands on my stomach. We both put on our best smiles and took a picture. I didnt post any of the pictures to social media because none of the fans or family, or the boys for a fact know about the pregancy.


Liam & I have just pulled up at the beach. We spotted Perrie and everybody else because its not very often that you see about 5 Range Rovers parked next to each other on the beach. Perrie immediately ran up to me and gave me a hug, the boys did as well.

I could tell that the boys noticed my stomach, but they probably think that I just need to take it easy on the sweets. Everybody already knew that Perrie was pregnant obviously and all the boys had already boughten her a couple of gifts for the babies, which I thought was really sweet.

After all of the Hellos, we immediately headed for the water. Liam & I decided to tell them while we were swimming.

"Guys" I said "Liam and I want to make an announcement"

Liam grabbed my hand beneath the water

"Im pregnant" I just blurted it out like it wasnt a big deal. But in fact, it is a big deal, a life changer, but at the same time the biggest blessing that anybody could ever get the honor to have.

'Woah, im going to be an uncle 3 times" Niall said

"Me too" Louis said

"Me three" Harry said

"Ill be an uncle too, but only once because 2 other times ill become a daddy" Zayn said

Liam pulled me in for a kiss. I never expected to be sharing news like this with anyone this young. I didnt expect it for a couple more years. But even if this wasnt expected, i will take this as a blessing and I cannot wait to hold my little peanut in my arms.


Sorry this chapter was a little bit gushy :)

I love this story and I love you guys!

I hope you like this story..... ALOT

Keep on reading you guys and enjoy!

Love you all!!!

-Melody XX

I updated this on Sunday, July 6th, 2014

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