Chapter Twenty-Four

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Twenty-fourth chapter. Wow. Okay, this will probably go up to chapter thirty, possibly thirty-five depending on how long each individual chapter is. So, do you want longer chapters but less of them, or more shorter ones? Either way it'll most likely be done in a week or two (hopefully).


*Harper's P.O.V.*

I did it. I killed him. As being me, I had no idea I could get so ruthless. The humans were only slightly right. We're ruthless when it comes to family and friends. Them being hurt, or killed, we protect them.

I silently stood, climbing back out the window from which I came. Do I tell the others what I did? I think after this is over I might tell them... I climbed from roof-top to roof-top back to the tree-line. I scaled the trees and made a bee line to the battle grounds. No one saw me again. Everyone is trying to help others. From what I can see, there isn't much faltering. All trying their hardest. We cn't afford a hurt person out here. Kanine seems to have shown her wolf likeness. Her ears and tail. Is it from the battle, or is it just she needs to express it? I don't know why. She normally hides it. Not many knew before now. I knew, possibly Emily and Jake, seeing they're wolves too. I don't know.

I watch the battle for a minute more before jumping in and helping someone in need. I hear someone call my name. "Harper! We need the backup! Please go get them!" It was Cooki. I saw her on my left, fighting someone off. 

"I'll be back!" I call to her, and I sprint off in the direction of the base. It isn't too far from where we are now, though that could change. We could b pushed back, or we could push them back. It all depends on how fast I get our reinforcements. In about a minute I reach the base. Those of the reinforcement are waiting outside. "Hurry! We need to go! Now!" And they all broke into a sprint behind me. 

------Time Skip------

At this point, the village numbers were faltering. They were leaving from injuries and fleeing left and right. Good. We have the upper hand now. There's no way we can fail now. I have hope in our members and my friends. We can't give up! If we were to give up, we could be hurt. Lose members. Most likely if they win, they'll capture many of us. Kill some of us, a mass execution. It will mostly be hybrids and those with lovers. Almost everyone.

Our base. Team Crafted. It's a place of refuge. To get away from the grips of the villages surrounding the base. The no love, hatred of hybrids. That's one reason of this battle. Apparently Mitch and Jerome are supposed to help with that. I'm not doubting them of being able to do it. It's just our circumstances seemed bleak before now.

*Cooki's P.O.V.(I'm pretty sure this is the first time, right? x3*

Being an enderdragon-soreceress has it's perks. The flying and the magic power. But, flying doesn't work with only one wing, obviously.


Seto and I went around using our powers to fend off the village fighters and heal the wounds of others. I was responsible for flying people to safety if they were too injured for the weak healing spell. I had just landed to take another injured person over to our group of healers, or medics.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked him. He shook his head, but he was obviously alive. "I'm going to get you to a safe place, okay? Just hold on." I say, picking him up from his position. At this point, I feel a sharp pain in my right wing. I cry out in pain, almost dropping the man on the ground. I turned to face my attacker.

"Hello there, hybrid." He snarled, and swung again. I swiftly dodged, propping the injured person on the nearest tree. "Oh, trying to safe your helpless friends?" He kept swinging his iron sword, nearly hitting everytime.

"And you aren't helpless? See how many people are fleeing?" He looks away, and I strike him. He's blasted back by my magic and hits a tree trunk, fifteen blocks away from his original spot. He's unconcious. 

"Come on, I've got to get you to a safer spot." I pick up the man again, and am unable to fly, thanks to the guy that stabbed my wing... So instead, I sprint down the otherside of the hill, getting him down safely. They soon had me patched up, but I still was not able to fly.

------This is now basically continued from there, but present time------

I swiftly got back to the battle, helping anyone in troubled situations. Whether it's healing them, bringing them back, or helping fight off another village member. The battle seemed hard, but actually, it wasn't. We were well prepared, and had more fighters with a lot of experience on our side. The numbers of the fighters from the village are lowering fast. We will win this.

Suddenly, there are only about five of them here. One speaks up.

"We are here for the one called Mitchell." He boomed. We obviously weren't giving in as easily as they think. Most of our fghters were with the medics, being patched or helping out. Was that why they think they can do that?

"No. He'll stay with us." Jerome spoke now, confidently standing with Mitch in front of the man.

"Is that so? He disobeyed the law of his village, killed his father, the leader of the village!" He laughed. "He has commited treason. He has to be punished for it. And presumably, he has a lover. We have some sources." The pair sent him glares, as well from the rest of us.

"Ah. So you are correct about that." Mitch nodded and pointed to Jerome.

"Him?! We had word of a lover, but not a bacca!" He had gotten really mad now. "Well, when we bring you back, we'll just have to kill you instead! I was thinking of going easy, but nevermind!" He gave an evil chuckle.

"Never, never will I come with you. I never liked the village anyway. The rules against love is just rediculous! The hatred of the baccas is stupid, too! Not just because I love Jerome, they are not ruthless. If they ever are it's because of you and the village!" Mitch yelled.

"They are ruthless! Don't you know how many people were killed by them?"

"Oh,  because you started a fight with them and they were only trying to proect eachother?!" Mitch glared daggers at him. "You have made  wrong choice, Preston!"


SORRY PURRSTON! He gets to be an evil cactus today.. xD He was the first person to come to mind, so sorry there, guys.. :l

But yeah. If this isn't up on the sixth, SORRY! My internet is completely crapped out. IDK why, but nothing is working and it's down so.... ;-; I'll just be binge writing chapters now, I guess..... :L


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