Chapter Fifteen

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I feel like I am an extremely bad writer... Like my chapters have gone down in quality. Maybe I kind of have writers block, but ehhhh.... Or it's me, people never like their own works xD



*Jerome's P.O.V.* (AGAIN! :3)

I woke to no Mitch next to me. I don't know what happened. He must have gone to get breakfast. So, I dressed in my usual attire to begin the walk to the cafeteria.

"Hey Jerome!" Harper called as I entered the room. "Where's Mitch?" I walked over to the table and sat down with the others.

"I don't know! That's what I came to see, if he was here." I sighed. "Wait.. are there security cameras anywhere....?"

"Oh, yeah! There are!" Emily sprang from her seat. She walked over to me, grabbed my arm and pulled me. she motioned over her shoulder for the others to follow.

We walked down another hallway and up a couple of staircases. The room we went to was in the middle-top of the building. It was like a large glass dome, and was very bright from the glass ceiling. There were a couple of computers in the center of the room and people were crowded around them. There were small trees in pots scattered around, also with benches.

"Well, here's the central hub!" She pulled me over to the middle of he room. the others staying behind. "Okay.... Which one would it be?" Emily muttered half to herself.

After a couple of minutes of searching, she found the correct archives. Hall 7G, room 8B. We then fast forwarded through, keeping watch anything weird.

"Emily! Pause it! No, go back little!" We paused it and saw a dark cloaked figure outside the door. It proceeded to open the door and go through it. In about 7 minutes, the figure came back out, at which point every came to look.

"He's carrying Mitch!" Harper says from behind me.

"I can tell! But, who is it...?" I ask, peering closer at the screen. Adam moves in front of us slightly and zooms he picture in.'

"Can you tell?" He asked. I shook my head. Suddenly, I had an idea.

"What if it's the village people?" (YMCA! lol On the side, though :P Just cuz....) I said, making everyone ponder on this. "Mitch kinda did kill his dad, who was their leader..."

"Good point." Harper gets up. "Time to find him?" Everyone nods and comes to a standing point.

"Gather your weapons, I'll gather some back-up to gather in the woods. Just in case." And Adam runs off.

------Time Skip------

When Adam returned with the backup, which consisted of some others I did not know and Kanine, we left. It was a silent trek down ti the village.

"Are we all set?" I heard Ty call.

"Yup" I replied. "We should get the back up in position, though."

"Okay. How about Mat and Rob go around left." Emily started. "Uhm, Jordan and Taylor, you guys go around right. And finally, Jason, Kanine and Tyler, you guys stay here."

"That sounds good, Emily. I think that we just might win." I say.

"Alright, let's go!" Adam says. "All of us. Me, Jerome, Emily, Harper, Jake and Ty. We got this."

We walked to the village and peered into the town square. What I saw was Mitch, tied up in the center. And guess who standing above him? His dad.

"His dad is alive!?" I said to the others.

"Apparently!" Emily hisses back.

Anger rushed through me. I ran into clearing. I pinned Mitch's dad to the ground, which at that point everyone else came rushing out. Ty came over to me.

"Here, let me. Go help Mitch." I proceeded to run over to Mitch.

"Mitch! Are you okay?"I asked putting my hand in his face. He groaned.

"My dad." He tried. "They got him to a sorcerer... That's why he's alive. He wants me dead now."

*Mitch's P.O.V.*

Jerome then leaned in an kissed me. For that one moment, I felt safe. But I heard a thud as a body hit the floor. I saw it, my dad had tossed Ty, and was coming over here.

"Jerome! He's coming!" He quickly untied me, and tossed me a sword.

"You're a filthy bacca, you know that?" He sneered. "I should just kill you now."

Now that he said that, I didn't care. He hurt Mitch, and he's and evil, crazy man. My axe came down and collided with his head. I bashed his head more after that. Blood was splattered on the ground, and he was finally dead.

"Oh my gosh, Jerome?" I heard Mitch ask. "You alright?"

"I'm fine, I guess..." I pulled him into a hug. "Time to get back to the base." And we rounded everyone up, and headed back.


And that's a wrap. Seems short..... neerrrr....

Sorry it's late... I was out yesterday, and up all night. lol

But... yeah.... There should have been a chapter Tuesday... and an extra today.... -.-

I try~

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