Chapter Nine

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YAY! Capter nine! :O WOO

But, nonetheless, new chapters are great.. :3 (Apex is like the best song ever.. completely obsessed 0-0)



*Adam's P.O.V. (every-now-and-then pov change, will be mostly Mitch after)*

We met the new guy Emily told us about. I was kind of exited to meet someone new, it's not everyday new people come in. Even if that were true, they are just travelers that leave after a night.

We talked for a while, getting to know the 'Merome' pair. Though now, it was getting late. We had a nice time talking to them, we probably will be good friends.. :D

"Ty?" I asked, him turning to me. "It's getting late, can you help me show them somewhere they can stay?" He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Of course!" He stood pulled me along behind him. "Come on! What are you guys waiting for?" He chuckled and they followed behind us. It took us a while to find them somewhere to stay. Though the base may look big, it actually isn't and there are a small amount of rooms. Though we did eventually find them a room, which they thanked us for and went in to sleep.

------Time Skip------

I walked to our room with Ty, finding it easily through the mess we call 'hallways'. We immediately fell onto our bed, trying to go to sleep. Ty, who was ably to fall asleep really quickly, looking content and happy. I, however, could not get to sleep. Something was bothering me. I feel as if it as something to do with Mitch and Jerome.... Something Seto told me a long while ago...

------FLASHBACK :O------

"Remember, Adam. They will come, they will come to save the humans and baccas." Seto said, looking at me. Him and his sorcerer prophecies.

"Who will come?" I asked him.

"I don't know who, just that a human and bacca will. Joined by a force so strong, unbreakable even." He stopped, unable to continue talking. Nothing more was to be said.

"I'll keep my eye out for these two." I said, then Seto walked out of the room.

------End Flashback-I know it was bad------

I stood up, and ran out of the room. I didn't care what time it was, just that I have to talk to Seto.

I walked quickly down the halls to Seto an Cooki's room. They had one of the bigger rooms, for sorcery purposes. They had an assortment of potions, books and spells. Not many were allowed into the room.

When I entered, Seto was sitting at the desk! surrounded by a number of things; asleep.

"Seto! Seetoooo! Get up! It's important!" I yelled and shook him. He only stirred.

"Dammit, Seto." I muttered. I picked up a speed potion and dropped it on his head.

"WHAT?!" Seto yelled, jumping from his chair.

"Hi there," I chuckled. Seto glared at me.

"Why did you do that?" He seemed really mad, I did wake him from sleep after all... And dropped a bottle on his head.

"I need to talk to you, it's really important." Seto's expression softened a bit.

"Like what?" He grimaced, now annoyed by the speed particles.

"The prophecy you told me about a while ago." He had a surprised look on his face. "I have a feeling it might fulfilled soon." Seto nodded.

"I have that feeling, too." He paused. "I'll be right back, I'm getting Cooki." He swiftly left the room, the potion still in affect, particles trailing behind.

He came back a fee minutes later with an angry looking Cooki. She rolled her eyes.

"This couldn't wait until morning?" She sighed.

"No, well yes, but no." I said. "It's about the prophecy," Cooki's eyes widened slightly.

"You mean Mitch and Jerome, huh?" She guessed.

"Yes, it has to do with them." Seto said, I nodded. "We think they might be the ones of the prophecy."

"I have a feeling of that, too. Did you get any dreams lately?"

"Yes, actually. Since you asked, you haven't?" Cooki shook her head. "Well, that told me it would happen soon, so be careful."

"I'll keep everyone training, and on their best game." I looked from Seto, to Cooki. "Should I tell them? Mitch and Jerome? Or everyone?"

"Tell no one, it might get them worried." Cooki stated, Seto nodded next to her

"Alright, I won't tell anyone. But can I tell Ty?" I was hopeful, but that never got anyone anywhere.

"Sure, just make him keep it a secret," Seto replied. "I'm going back to sleep." He walked into the other room, Cooki nodded at me, then followed closely behind.

I walked back through the winding halls to my room, and Ty. He probably woke and never went back to sleep because I wasn't there.

When I got back, Ty was sat on the bed awake.

"Adam, where were you?" He sat up on his elbows.

"I was talking to Seto and Cooki. I'll tell you in the morning." I climbed into the bed, and kissed him. "Night Ty."


Don't question my logic.

New chapter later maybe.. I already have some done :3

~K BAI!~

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