Chapter Twenty-Three

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Uhm... Hai? This book is actually coming close to it's end.. Oh may god I know! Working on it for how long? 0-0 After it's completion I'll write some alternate ending one-shot type things so look forward to that? xD

I threw in some random back story for Quentin and Ian, TECHNICALLY A PART OF THE STORY NAO! :P But, I dunno what I'll do with that.. Kinda like foreshadow if you didn't know... Someone's gonna die.......... *evil laughter*


*Jerome's P.O.V.*

 It's here, finally. We can just get this over with. I am dreading it, but wishing it to come. I've been worrying over it a lot, and when it does come, I can have that weight lifted off my shoulders. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely worried. For me, Mitch, Emily, Jake, everyone really. I can't shake the feeling something bad will happen, and I feel everyone else can feel it, too. I just want it to be over....

------Time Skip------

At this point, we've all gathered our weapons. Everyone having their own special weapon of choice. We seemed well prepared for our upcoming fight. We've got some good fighters... It's our immediate group in the front with me and Mitch: Cooki, Seto, Emily, Jake, Kanine, and Harper. Adam and Ty are farther back in the mix, with a couple others, about twenty other people actually, in the back. And if it's needed, extra people waiting back at base for reinforcement.

We have our sorcerers on our side, obviously Cooki and Seto, and not to mention Cooki being an enderdragon hybrid. They're pretty powerful. I'm an axe-wielding bacca, no one stops the man of the bacc and his axe, of course. Mitch having the up hand of being a really good archer, Jake is quick and light on his feet, almost untouchable. Emily is a very cunning person, she'll do good with tricking them, huh? And Kanine is a strong fighter, she's a fighter for herself and her friends. Harper has her abilities on her side, with the experimental flying abilities and I'm pretty sure she said she can go invisible, extra good there.

We;ve been training extra over the past few days, keeping up our game. Let's just say, when I first met Mitch, it was a good thing we had a lot of training together. All is left to do now is wait. We are not the kind of people to start a war. It's mainly them, with their crazy heads. Maybe this will help. You know? Mitch and I, the prophecy. It's seems like that's what it's for.

"Hey, Jerome!" My thoughts jumbled as I heard the familiar call of my old friend, Harper. I looked at her. "It's time to go," She motioned to the door.

We walked together, and had a quiet conversation. "What do you think will happen? You think we'll all be okay?"

"I hope so. I wish I knew. But with the powers I have, none were 'looking into the future' or being psychic or whatever." She grinned, it's good to smile in hard times. "It'll be hard, but nothing we can't handle, right?"

"Right, we just have to fight our best and hardest. Be careful, too." We walked to the top of a hill, to look down to the village. There was a lot of light coming from it. Probably from torches. Oh stereo-typical village fighters! We all stood, at the top, I occasionally stuck up a small conversation with Harper, trying not to fret too, too much. It kind of kept my mind off things, for the time being. Both of cracking jokes, stupid puns. It lifted our spirits, it'll help, most definitely. An example of  really bad pun I thought of: "Show me a piano falling down a mine shaft, and I'll show you A-flat minor." I'm not even sure why we did, but we did. Eventually others joined, keeping a few looking out. And soon enough, the light started moving, the fire, or people started.

"They're coming now! Get ready!" Someone called out, who was positioned in a rather large tree. We rushed to our basic battle position. 

"Are we ready?!" I called out to everyone here. I got quite a few 'yes's, never any 'no's. We did come rather well prepared. "It's time we win this, and teach the people of this village what we can do!" I smiled, as the others gave in some cheers. Those of the village were coming closer to us. They came about halfway up the hill before one of the groups gave a shout: "Let's GO!" At the battle began. 

I fought many people. Not killing them, of course. We all promised not to kill anyone during this fight, even if we believed they should. It's never good to kill others, they have killed many, though. My family, my tribe... But two wrongs don't make a right. I just hope they won't kill anyone today.

*Harper's P.O.V.*

Everyone was too transfixed on the battles happening in front of them, I was able to sneak off. The scientist was obviously not fighting, because he is valuable to the village, basically. He's a smart guy, if I had to say it. I'll just have to go and find him.

After a couple minutes of walking along the tree line, I got to the village. I swiftly climbed a tree, being a bacca, it was easy. Now, I just climb across the roofs, quietly, stealthily. Now, just to find this guy. I know we aren't supposed to kill anyone, but, I have to do this. They experimented on me against my will! I don't care whether or not I can fly or whatever. They even killed my family. The only other survivor is Jerome who I almost didn't save! I'll just have to get on with this.

It has been a while, at least a half an hour, I believe. But, I have finally found him. He was in a small pristine baby-blue colored room, wearing a lab coat doing who knows what. Time to get him. I swiftly climb off the roof. Most people are out fighting, while all others seem to be sleeping. I won't be spotted. I have darker fur, too, harder to spot.

I slowly open a window. He doesn't seem to notice. I climb inside, and I watch him. He's working at a table in the center of the room. His back was to me, and he was leaning over the table. It seemed like he was working at a frog. Either experimenting or dissecting it, I didn't care at the moment. I stood.

"We meet again." I spoke in a deeper tone than my normal voice. I towered over the small man, he looked scared and intimidated. I walked to him.

"Who are you?!" He yelled, sweat dripping down his forehead. He was freaked out. He knows what's coming.

"Oh. You don't remember?" I grab his collar and shove him against a wall. "You were there, all those years ago. You helped kill my family! Jerome's family! OUR TRIBE!" My rage built up in me, I was yelling now. "OUR ENTIRE TRIBE IS DEAD! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU TURNED ME INTO THIS. I CAN DO ALL THESE THINGS I NEVER WANTED! ALL I WANTED WAS TO LIVE WITH MY FAMILY!" At this point, I could tell he was about to pass out.

"I'm s-s-sorry-y I hurt t-them." He stuttered out. He was visibly shaking now.

"You're no sorry. All you want to do is live. You don't care. You kill my family, my tribe and experiment on me. Against my will, I might add." I glared at him. "YOU DON'T CARE!" I stabbed him. Multiple times. His screams of pain were all I heard. The wall was covered in his blood, so were my hands. I didn't know I could get so violent. That was when I heard gasps for breath coming from him.

"Goodbye." I spoke, and killed him.


1,256 words without the author's notes...! It got a little intense at the end there.. 0-0

It got me really motivated, to me it seems I wrote a lot better/ longer chapters in the beginning~

Hope you enjoyed.. Don't know when the next update will come, maybe soon, amybe not.. IDK .-. Though in the time I wrote this, I listened to "Snow Fairy" (Funkist) about... 30 times~ Hope you enjoyed xD

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