Chapter Twenty-One

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Wait... IT'S NOT SUNDAY? 0-0 Summer is good.

One quick question! Does anyone possibly want to join a UHC event I might be doing with my friends? Message me, or comment! We need a few more people... xD


*Emily's P.O.V.*

When I woke, I was alone. I sighed loudly. Jake must have gone to Seto again. He doesn't know that I know, but I do. He thought he could keep it from me... He can't. I would find out eventually... He wants to keep me safe, I know. But, he should have told me. I'm not mad, but I do love him. I obviously don't want him to die! He wants it to happen, to keep everyone safe. But he knows, and I know, if he told anyone, they'd try and stop him. He's trying his hardest.... But it's for the best he'd probably say, you know?

I don't know why he wants to go to such extreme measures... There could be a way to keep him from dying. I'm probably just over-thinking this, or something. There's probably nothing we can do... But now I'm being too pessimistic... Thinking the inevitable? He does mean well... but will it actually be well? What will I do? I'll be crushed.. I'll be sad, no doubt. The feelings that will come.... It'll be equivalent to an avalanche... I don't know..

The things going on... It used to seem, more, happy. All the times before this were so short loved it seems. Though, I'm not saying my meeting of Mitch and Jerome is bad, things could be worse. They are friends. Part of our family, you know? The way things are now... It makes it feel like our time is just running out... Dissipating in front of us... No one knows exactly what will happen, just that this might. That might. It's just there. Here, in our lives, trolling us, basically. (eheheh. lol)

I thought that the prophecy was for Mitch and Jerome... Why does he have to die?!? WHY? What got him to do this? What part of this prophecy got him like this? As far as I know, Jake definitely is not Mitch or Jerome! So why? I feel like this i unfair... I truly don't want either Mitch or Jerome to die, but Jake? It's wrong for anyone to die!

My thoughts ran from my mind as Jake entered the room. "Emily. It's here." And I got up and followed him, Seto and Cooki out the door to get the others... For this horrible event, that will kill one and leave the rest injured.


As soon as I published I realized I forgot this part! So yeah... summer Monday updates! lol

So! UHC anyone? And yeh... that's it... :O

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