The Stitches Removed

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Bianca's P.O.V

I ran out of the room and went to look for James. I slightly regretted this decision when I realised just who I'd left Danny alone with. I ran into the toilets and checked the stalls. I was at the last one, when I noticed someone lying on the floor inside. I pushed the door open, and there, lying against the wall was James, unconscious. There was blood on his clothes and stitches sewing his mouth shut. I took a step back in horror before rushing over to his side. Laying him on the floor, I grabbed his hand tight.
"We need some help in here please!" I yelled as James began to stir. He slowly opened his eyes, and felt his mouth, the source of the excruciating pain he was in. Running his fingers along the stitches, he screamed, causing even more pain. He began breathing heavily as I pulled him up next to me, reassuring him that he'd be okay. He placed his head on my shoulder, still screaming and crying, while we waited for help. He kept squeezing my hand until it became limp in my palm. He was making no noise anymore either. I rolled him off my shoulder and their was a fresh stream of blood, pouring out of one of the unnecessary large holes around his mouth. I picked him up, and carried him out of the toilets. One of the nurses saw us and started shouting random things to her college before directing me to place James on a bed that was nearby. She wheeled him off but stopped me from following.

I ran to the front desk, screaming at them to call the cops. I stood their and watched them call them, I smirked knowing that Jay was finally going to get locked away for his terrible crimes.

Running down the corridor, I ran to where I'd left Danny and Jay. I stopped outside the door when I could hear screams- Danny's screams. I rattled the door handle but it was locked. I tried pounding on the door with my fist but that didn't work either. I was about to give up when the door opened, and Jay walked out.
"What the fuck did you do?" I said, pinning Jay to the wall, my hand around his slim neck.
"It doesn't matter, you're too late anyway." He said, choking in my grip. I threw him on the floor and ran into the room, horrified with that I saw. Danny was lying there, naked and tied up, unconscious and bloody, with his eyes sewn shut. I screamed and ran by his side, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tight.
"Come on Danny." I said as I pulled the blanked over him. I took a sharp breath in and dropped his hand as I read what was on the sheet. Written in blood, it said;
"You're next"
"HELP!" I shouted, before 4 men and one woman rushed in and pushed me out. I walked past the woman who took James off me and stopped her.
"How's James, is he okay?"
"He's going to be just fine sweetie. Now, go and get yourself cleaned up." She said before walking off. I looked down and noticed that I had both James's and Danny's blood on me. I peeped through the door as to where Danny was and they were all still in there, so I decided to head home, shower and change my clothes.

I'm a pretty mess// Adore Delano حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن