I'm Sorry

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~ su*c*de trigger warning~

I was ripped out of my dreams by a crash outside. I sat up suddenly remembering where I was and the events of last night. I looked around but Danny was no where to be seen and the house was deadly silent.
"Danny?" I got up and a piece of paper fell off the blanket and onto the floor. I picked it up and began to read it,

I couldn't do it anymore, for so long I never deemed myself good enough for anyone, and after that whole thing last night, I was right. I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. I love you so much. Ever since I met you under that tree, our tree, 10 years ago. We've been so close, you've always been there for me, through everything. You've made me so happy and you've truly made my life worth living. I'm sorry James, I love you.
Danny xo

Tears were burning my face and were racing down my cheeks faster than race cars.
I ran around the house entering every room when I reached the bathroom. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I pounded on the door, the bruises from doing this only hours before throbbing with pain but I didn't care at this point.
"Danny?" The house was deathly silent.
I kicked open the door, the sharp wood cutting my leg.
There, lying lifeless on the floor was my best friend. Blood flowing gracefully out of his wrists.
"DANNY!" I ran over to him and held him in my arms sobbing while I called Katya.
"Don't leave me Danny, please. I need you." I felt him body move slightly. I cried harder knowing all I could do was wait.
I grabbed a towel off the side and wrapped it tightly around his tiny fragile wrist.
I held him tightly and planted kisses on his forehead, shaking violently.
When Katya answered the phone, I was a mess and could hardly breath.
"Hello" Katya answered, quite chirpy.
"Brian? I need you to come to Danny's right now."
"O-oh okay I'll be over in 5. Why?" I could hear the worry in his voice.
"I-I'll explain when you get here but please, hurry!" I shouted, my voice cracking at the end.
I stroked Danny's face as he stirred. He looked up at me with tears rolling down his cheeks,
"I-I'm so sorry..."
My heart broke into a million pieces,
"Danny, what the fuck are you sorry for?" My voice started cracking and my tears fell onto his lap.
"For being such a failure, for falling for the wrong people, for being a fuck up. I hate myself James. I just need to die."
I grabbed his hand, interlocking our fingers.
"Danny, you are none of those things. You are a beatiful human being and you deserve every second on this earth. I love you so much Danny Noriega, and it hurts me to see you like this. It hurts so much." We were both sobbing when Katya showed up at the bathroom door.
"Danny? What happened?" He said as he came running in and sitting on the floor next to me.
Danny said nothing but cried.
"James, it hurts." He said looking at me before squinting his eyes in pain.
"What does baby?" I said, me and Katya both looked at each other with worry and confusion before both looking back at him.
"E-everything." He said in a whisper. Before he closed his eyes and began to relax his body.
"Danny?" Katya said, gently shaking him.
"Shit!" I checked his pulse which was slowing rapidly and the towel wrapped around his arm was now completely soaked and red.
"James we need to take him to the hospital! Now!" Katya said looking at me with tears in his eyes.
"No! He doesn't need to go back there. Not after last time."I hesitated knowing what happened to him last time we took him to the hospital.
" James, he's going to die!" Katya must have knocked some sense into me.
"Get the car." I looked at him as he ran out of the room and I followed, carrying Danny bridal style.

I'm a pretty mess// Adore Delano Where stories live. Discover now