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Arabella sat at the bar while I went backstage and got into drag. Once I'd finished my makeup I returned to snapchat and opened some more snaps. The hateful messages stung my body, making me go numb. What was I doing? No one wanted me here. I read one message that stuck with me. I looked at the message as tears stung my eyes,
'Why didn't you succeed when you tried to kill yourself? Worthless fag.' My hands shook as threw my phone on the floor, tears running down my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. What a mess. A few hate comments and you look like this. I was pathetic. I fixed my eye makeup when there was a knock at the door.
"Adore? Your on in five. Make your way to backstage as soon as possible. Thanks." Great. I took one last look at myself and went backstage. I watched the previous act from the side as they finished.
"Okay, the next performer is the amazingly talented," it felt good to here someone say that.
"Adore Delano!" I put a smile on my face and ran out onstage pretending to be my happy, bubbly self. My hands were still shaking from earlier but I put that aside and began to sing I.C.U. It felt good to hear everyone cheering for me. I sung Speak my Sex and less people began to clap which scared me but I ignored it. During I Can't  Love You, that message popped up in my mind. I looked around to see everyone staring at me. My scar hadn't faded and it was still very visible. I couldn't see Bella anywhere, there was too many lights blocking my vision. I could feel tears start to form as I ran offstage into the dressing rooms. I locked the door and threw myself on the chair next to the mirror. I sobbed through the boos from the audience.

Arabella's POV
I was sitting at the bar watching Adore when I saw her face change. She was looking round the room frantically for something. There was too many lights so I couldn't see properly. I saw tears fall down her face as she ran offstage. My heart broke as I heard people booing.
First she was late and now this!
Why didn't she die when she had chance?
There was more being said but I chose to block them out. I ran backstage and asked the body guard for directions to her dressing room.
"Please! I'm her girlfriend."
"I'm sorry, I can't let anyone backstage." I huffed and pushed passed him. He was chasing after me shouting but I ignored him until I reached Adores dressing room. He was about to remove me when we both heard a smash coming from the other side of the door. We both looked at each other before trying to open the door.
"Adore!" I shouted as I pounded on the door. The body guard pushed me aside and rammed into the door, breaking the lock. There on the floor was Adore lying on a bed of glass from the shattered mirror. Blood flowed from her hands, out of multiple small cuts from the glass shards. I pushed past the security guard and ran to her side. I lifted her onto my lap and held her hand. The security guard when to go get help while I sat with Adore. I looked around to see her phone lying facedown on the ground. I picked it up to find it completely shattered but still working. Tweets were coming in left right and centre. Everyone was tweeting about what just happened. I only read some of the them but they were awful. Tears rolling down my face I went onto snapchat. I looked at some of the messages people had sent her and they were even worse. My hands shook as I read the messages. I threw the phone on the floor when Adore began to stir. It was already broken so it wasn't like it could get any worse. I stroked her wig and squeezed her hand tighter.
"I'm sorry." She said, she looked up at me before closing her eyes and letting the tears fall. I stroked her hand with my thumb and planted a kiss on her forehead.
"I love you." Was all I could reply with. Tears streaming down both our faces we looked as the guard ran back in. He stood at the door and Adore looked at me before looking back at him.
"I'm fine." She whispered. She tried to stand up but fell backwards. I stood up quickly to catch her fall, and led her to the couch in the corner of the room. I sat Adore on my lap and the security guard walked over to us. He sat down on the couch and looked at Adores hand. He pulled out the small pieces of glass and bandaged her hand, she winced every now and again from the pain. I kissed her back reassuringly. She looked up at him and smiled a thank you as he left. I placed her on the couch where the guard was sat and pulled her into a hug. I kissed her neck but she pulled away and looked down.
"What's wrong baby?" I placed my fingers under her chin and lifted up her head. Tears fell down her face as she looked me in the eyes.
"Why?" She grabbed onto me and sobbed into my shoulder. I knew exactly what she was talking about.

I'm a pretty mess// Adore Delano Where stories live. Discover now