Just Because...

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3 months later
"Hey baby," I say as Adore lifts her head up from a nap she she took on my lap. She fell asleep on me while watching Alice In Wonderland together. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She smiled at me sleepily.
"You have a show today remember?" I said, making her face light up before she frowned.
"What's wrong?" I said as I pulled her into a tight hug.
"W-what if they hate me after what I did. What if they think I shouldn't perform?" I pulled her away to reveal a tearful Adore.
"Adore, they love you. They understand. Your fans are all here to support you." I wiped a stray tear off her face and pulled her into another hug. This was her first gig since, the... Incidence. I knew where she was coming from. While most of her fans had been supportive, there was too much hate. I'd made Adore stay off social media because of all this hate. I'd only read out to her the nice, supportive tweets and comments, as well as some of my own.
"Anyway," I said to break the silence that had fallen. Adore snapped her head up surprisingly.
"I wanted to plan a little pre-show surprise  for you!" Her eyes lit up and and a smile creeped upon her delicate face. I'd seen a different side to Adore, ever since she found out Laganja died in a car crash last month. There seems to be a lot more meaning behind everything she does. Even her smiles, hey seem to be a lot more, real.
"Go get dressed then! We haven't got all day!" I said, giggling as she got up and ran excitedly round the house. I couldn't help but stop for a second to just think about Adore. All this shit had happened to her yet she still seemed so positive and beautiful. Her eyes sparkled an even brighter blue than they used to. And her personality shone through her even bigger than I'd ever seen. She was still Adore, but she was, different. She's changed, and it's done her a whole lot of good.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a loud thud and a faint scream from across the hall.
"Adore?" I yelled slightly worried as I got up and tried to find her.
"I'm fine!" I heard her shout as I turned the corner to find Adore lying on the floor in a heap.
"What happened?" I questioned, trying not to let a laugh seep through my lips.
"Oh nothing, I just fell over. Clumsy old Danny!" She laughed which signalled I could do the same. I put out my hand and she grabbed it, heaving herself up and brushing herself off. She gave me a quick wink before hurrying off to get ready. This meant that I probably should too. When we were both ready I led Adore into the living room and sat her on the couch.
"So, where are we going?" She asked eagerly.
"If I told you it wouldn't be a secret, would it?" I replied, causing Adore to put on a fake, overly exaggerated frown.
"Wait here," I said,
"I'm going to load the car. Don't follow me, or I'll cancel!" I said jokingly, but Adore agreed so I headed out to the car. I decided to load the car in one trip so Adore didn't have to wait that long because I knew how impatient she could get. In one hand I had a basket and a blanket and in the other I had a football and my photography camera.
When I got back up to the house, Adore had already put Alice In Wonderland on the TV.  "Ready?" I said, which made Adore jump and turn her head around to face me. She jumped up eagerly and nodded her head.
"Put this on!" I put my hand out and passed Adore a blind fold. She looked at it questionably before placing it on her head. I took her hand and lead her to the car. The drive consisted of Adore questioning where we were going and her singing to the songs on the radio. There's something  about her voice that warms me inside. The way she sings is so peaceful, it could send you into a sleep of sweet dreams. I stopped the car and Adores excitement bubbled inside her.
"Okay," I said giggling at her. She looked liked a child opening presents on their birthday.
"You can take your-" I started but Adore stopped me by taking off her blindfold and letting out a huge gasp.
"I love picnics!" She yelled before pulling me into a tight hug and kissing me, very abruptly, on the lips. I laughed as her stared at the view fro mine car window.
"It's beautiful." She said, her mouth wide open.
"Not as beautiful as you." I said smiling, admiring her beauty.
She smiled at me,
"I love you, Bella." She said, turning to me.
"I love you." I replied. Our hands intertwined, we stared into each others eyes.
"Well, what are waiting for?" I said, breaking the beautiful silence. We got out of the car and I headed to the boot where all the things were. I gave Adore the ball and the camera and before I could close the door, she snapped a picture of me.
"Oi! Fuck off." I said, laughing.
"Sorry!" Adore laughed before taking another picture of the sea that was placed off in the distance.
"Let me see," I said as she looked at the picture on the camera. She turned it to me and my jaw dropped in awe.
"It's beautiful." I said, looking up at her.
"Not as beautiful as you." She said, giggling. I punched her playfully in the arm and we went to find a spot to eat.

AN; I'm back! I decided I liked this story too much and I couldn't wait to finish it so here's another chapter. Enjoy!
~Arabella 🌱

I'm a pretty mess// Adore Delano Where stories live. Discover now