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I awoke next to the door, my head pounding and my eyes crusty from last nights tears. The sun trickled in through the window, making my eyes water. I sat up and leaned against the door, remembering last night.
"Bella?" My voice was croaky and quiet. There was no response so I sighed and got up. Unlocking the door I opened it slowly and stepped outside. The coldness from the hard, wood floor send a chill through my feet, causing me to shiver lightly. I tiptoed downstairs but all of Bella's stuff was gone.
"Great." I thought. Sadness filled my chest as I thought she'd just left without saying goodbye, when something on the table caught my eye. I looked up to see a small box with a letter attached to it. I opened the letter and smiled.

Sorry I didn't say goodbye, but I had some 'business'. Don't worry, you'll enjoy it this time.
I know how much you love adventures and surprises so I made a little one just for you!!
Follow the clues to reach your surprise!
Love you forever,
Arabella xo

I put the note on the table and opened the box. Inside was another note.

Go and get ready and then head to the library for your second clue!
Love you forever,
Arabella xo

I put the note on the table and ran upstairs to the shower. I got changed and headed out the door, grabbing my phone and the notes as I did. I ran to the library and smiled as I reached the door before opening it and walking inside. I loved the library, it was one of my favourite places to go for some alone time. And Willow, the librarian was such a nice lady, old but nice.
"Morning Danny! Here to pick up your book?" I look at her confused before saying,
"What book?" She smiled.
"You requested Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone right?" It was my favourite book. It took me a second before I clicked.
"Umm.. Yeah! Thanks Willow!" I said as she handed me the book. I walked out saying goodbye and leaned against the wall. I opened it to the first page and there was another note.

Hehe I knew you'd find me! You smart little cookie!
Ya know, the big oak tree would be a really good place to read this?
Love you forever,
Arabella xo

I put the note in my pocket and ran to the big oak tree. This was where me and Bella first met. I was sat on the bench and she came and joined me. We had been best friends ever since. She helped me get through everything. And when Laganja came into my life she told me from day one we was bad but I didn't listen. I should have but I didn't and I wish I had. Then maybe none of this would have happened. But, if it didn't, me and Bella wouldn't be together. As I approached the tree, I could see Willam and Courtney sat on the bench, Willam with a box on her lap. When Courtney spotted me, she screamed and ran up to me, engulfing me in a big hug.
"Hey girllll! Ugh I've missed youuuuu! Here, we, well Bella, have a surprise for you!" She dragged me over to Willam or carefully put the box on the bench and gave me a hug too. She handed me a note and held the box in front of me. I opened the note and excitement filled me.

I know how much you wanted one of these. And so did I. It's all yours. Everything is up to you.
Love you forever,
Arabella xo

I put the note in my pocket with the rest and opened the box. Tears welled my eyes as, in the bottom of the box, laid a sleeping sausage dog. A light brown puppy, no bigger than my hands. I carefully lifted it out of the box and cradled it in my arms. Willam and Courtney had huge smiles plastered on their faces as tears rolled down mine. I pulled it away from my chest as it woke up. As it saw me it immediately jumped up and licked my face. I laughed and cradled it close to my chest.
"What ya gonna call him? Willam said. She was now sat back on the bench with Courtney in her arms.
"Uhhh," I thought hard until the perfect name popped into my head.
"Harvey." I said smiling. I looked at Harvey and noticed a note on his collar.

Knew you'd like him ;)
Now take him for a walk, the parks a good place to go.
Arabella xo

I said bye to Willam and Courtney and headed off the park, still cradling Harvey in my arms. Half way, I was met with a trail of white roses, all leading to the park. I picked one up and followed the rest. When I reached the gate I smiled hugely. The whole park was covered in bunting and roses. In the middle, next to the lake, stood Bella. Smiling a huge smile as she walked over to me. She pulled me into a huge hug and kissed me passionately.
"Hiya baby, who's this?" She said pointing to Harvey.
"This, is Harvey." I said smiling.
"Why Harvey?" I shrugged and said,
"It was my dads name." I looked up to my dad as a child. Not so much anymore.
"I think we need to officially welcome Harvey into the family." Bella said taking a step backwards.
"What do you mean?" I said. My heart skipped a beat as she got down on one knee.
"Adore," she started and tears rolled down my face as I covered my mouth with my hand.
"You've made me the happiest person alive and I'm forever grateful. You've been there every step of the way and we may not be perfect but that's what brings us closer together. I love you so much. Danny Noriega, will you marry me?" She pulled out a box from her pocket and opened it. Inside was a diamond ring. It was gorgeous and captured the sun perfectly. She got up and I ran over to her and pulled her into a big hug, sobbing tears of joy into her neck.
"Yes!" I said as I hugged her tight. I could feel Bella begin to cry too as she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight.
"Yasssss!" I heard Willam shout behind me. I giggled as we pulled away and gave Harvey to Courtney. I pulled Bella in and kissed her lips passionately. I loved this person to infinity and beyond forever. She was the only person who understood me.
"I love you so much James Evans." I whispered into her neck.
"I love you too Danny." She whispered back.
"Let's go home baby." I said as I let go and picked up Harvey from Courtney. We said goodbye to them and walked home. Ready to start a family. Together.

Oh my god guys I'm so sorry I've been away for AGES! I haven't forgotten about you I've just been SUPER busy but I promise I'm back nowwww! Woooo *party poppers* k love you.

Also how cute was this chapter thooooo??!
Love ya xo

I'm a pretty mess// Adore Delano Where stories live. Discover now