11. Creator Archetype

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Creator Archetype Essence: Transform an inspired idea into words

The Creator Archetype is the writing method most people are familiar with and my personal favourite; there's just something about seeing an intangible idea come to life on the page in front of me and transform into a book.

It's the one that gives you the most control over how your message is expressed, allowing your personality to shine through. The Creator is classified as more of an introvert archetype than an extroverted one.

The Creator Archetype is ideal for you if:

· You're a visual person who loves seeing the words in front of you.

· You love being in control and adding your unique flavour to your book.

· You enjoy journaling or writing in a diary.

· You're a tactile person who loves the feel of writing or typing.

· You don't have the time or patience to set up dictation software.

· You prefer to keep to yourself rather than talk to or interact with others.

· You're easily distracted and taken off track.

· You want a simple, straightforward, low-cost way of writing.

· The purpose of your book is to grow or start a business.

Traditionally Creator Archetype writers used a pen and paper to record their ideas and express their story on the page. This was a long and sometimes tedious process. Some writers today still prefer this tactile approach, at least for part of the process.

Nowadays most writers embrace modern technology to help them write and shape their book. Many use a computer-based program such as Microsoft Word which makes it easy to store, share, amend, and save your book. There's also writing software available such as Scrivener.


To get the most from the Creator Archetype, you must have an outline to guide the direction of your book. If you sit down and just start writing, you'll end up lost, confused and overwhelmed; your book won't flow or make sense the way it should.

Your outline allows you to write your book chapter by chapter, paragraph by paragraph, sentence by sentence until it's finished. You can also easily track your progress.

The order you write your chapters is up to you. They can be written sequentially starting with chapter one, then chapter two, then chapter three, and so on until you're done.

Sequential writing is a good option if you want to get feedback as you write by posting your book chapter by chapter on Wattpad or emailing your list of followers, or if you're thinking about sending out the first few chapters to potential agents and publishers.

An alternative to sequential writing is to write what you feel inspired to write. Consult your outline each time you sit down to write and see what you're drawn to. Perhaps you had a great idea come to you or feel excited about a particular chapter and want to start there.

If you're going to choose this option, it's important to be organised with your writing, so you know what drafts you've written and what's remaining.

I use folders and checking off. Each book has its own folder on my computer. I create a sub-folder under that called "Chapters" made up of section subfolders, one for each part or section in my book.

The chapter I'm working on sits in the chapter subfolder until the draft is completed. Then it moves into the related section subfolder; that way I know the draft of each chapter in there has been written.

Written: 9 Ways of Writing a Non-Fiction BookWhere stories live. Discover now