10. Find the Right Archetype for You

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The rules and methods of publishing are changing. It's never been easier to get your message out into the world in the form of a book. The traditional gatekeepers are no longer standing in your way.

What's stopping you from writing the book you want? Is it because you were never very good at English in school? Maybe you hated writing those long, boring essays and think that's how you write a book. Perhaps you believe you're boring or don't have anything worth saying.

Whatever your reason, you just can't make yourself write a book. Every time you try nothing happens.

You're not alone.

An internet search brings up various studies done, all indicating that while about 80-90% of people now dream of writing a book, only 1-5% will actually do anything about it.

I firmly believe sharing your message with the world is something everyone should have the opportunity to do; regardless of whether you think you can write or not.

Everyone has a story to tell, some information to share that will benefit others. You just need to find the right angle and method to express it; one that's based on your introverted or extroverted nature.


You have both introverted and extroverted aspects of your personality, with one being more predominant. Only you know which that is when it comes to writing.

Let me clarify what I mean by introverted and extroverted regarding this book:

/introvert/ - You're someone people describe as shy, quiet and reserved. You have opinions but don't often share them publicly for fear of retribution. You're happiest keeping to yourself, are somewhat private, and would prefer to be on your own. Thoughts and ideas tend to be internalised.

Dealing with people can be quite draining, and you try to avoid talking to others where possible; without entirely shunning your family, friends, and society. Spending too much time with people can leave you feeling overwhelmed, but you have a select few you feel comfortable around.

/extrovert/You're someone people describe as confident, outgoing, friendly, and possibly loud or enthusiastic. You love being around people and interacting with as many as possible; in fact, you're energised by it. Talking to others can be an excellent source of inspiration, ideas, and information.

Trying to balance writing with your work and social life can be challenging; you hate missing out on anything. You enjoy being where the action is and tend to feel lonely or forgotten if you spend too much time on your own.

Most writers seem to be introverted rather than extroverted, especially in the fiction genre. I do find more extroverted non-fiction writers though; perhaps because a book is a great way to start or grow a business.

If you're more extroverted in your writing celebrate that difference. You'll be able to employ strategies to research and write your book introverted writers are too scared to try; which could give you the edge you need.

Knowing which is more comfortable and natural for you helps to identify the archetype that will allow you to finally get your book written and enjoy the process.

Keep in mind you're writing persona may be slightly different to the one you portray in your everyday life.

For example, most people would consider me to be extroverted. When it comes to writing though, I'm much more introverted; needing to be on my own. I'm also very private and hesitant about sharing my writing; which has its own drawbacks.

Written: 9 Ways of Writing a Non-Fiction BookWhere stories live. Discover now