Quiz: Which Divergent Faction Are You From?

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Quote Of The Day: " Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up. I've seen it. It's fascinating."~ Tobias "Four" Eaton


OMG guys! I'm so glad I'm finally getting to do this quiz! Divergent is like one of my favourite books ever so this quiz is one of my favourite chapters. Anyway enough with my spazzy fangirl moment. In the book Divergent by Veronica Roth, there are five factions: Amity (the peaceful), Abnegation (the selfless), Candor (the honest), Dauntless (the brave) and Erudite (the intelligent). Which faction you belong to is determined by an aptitude test. Persons who belong to more than one faction are call "Divergents". Divergents are considered to be threats because they cannot be controlled. Want to know which faction you belong to? Take the quiz below! 

1. You most want your friends and family to see you as someone who…

a) Is willing to make sacrifices and help anyone in need.

b) Is liked by everyone.

c) Is trustworthy.

d) Will protect them no matter what happens.

e) Offers wise advice.

2. When you are faced with a difficult problem, you react by…

a) Doing whatever will be the best thing for the greatest number of people.

b) Creating a work of art that expresses your feelings about the situation.

c) Debating the issue with your friends.

d) Facing it head-on. What else would you do?

e) Making a list of pros and cons, and then choosing the option that the evidence best supports.

3. What activity would you most likely find yourself doing on the weekend or an unexpected day off?

a) Volunteering.

b) Painting, dancing, or writing poetry.

c) Sharing opinions with your friends.

d) Rock climbing or skydiving!

e) Catching up on your homework or reading for pleasure.

4. If you had to select of of the following options as a profession, which would you choose?

a) Humanitarian.

b) Farmer.

c) Judge.

d) Firefighter.

e) Scientist.

 5. When choosing you outfit for the day, you select…

a) Whatever will attract the least amount of attention.

b) Something comfortable, but interesting to look at.

c) Something that's simple but still expresses your personality.

d) Whatever will attract the most attention.

e) Something that will not distract or inhibit you from what you have to do that day.

6. If you discovered that a friend’s significant other was being unfaithful, you would…

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