Healthy Lunches

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Quote of The Day: "Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it."~ Heather Morgan


Healthy Lunches was tied with How To: TFIOS Nails so the tie breaker was who commented first. The person who commented first voted for Healthy Lunches so I'm doing that one. Anyway, do you want some lunch ideas that are delicious and will also help you lose weight? Well look no further! Check out the four tasty, healthy lunches below!:

#1: Toast with peanut butter and banana:

Toast a piece of 100% whole wheat bread then put on layer of peanut butter and banana slices.

Benefits from this meal:

-increases energy

-weight loss

-heart friendly

-strengthens the nervous system.

#2: Dark, leafy salad with grilled chicken:

Clean and cut dark leafy greens, mix them a bowl and add a few slices of grilled chicken. You could also add tomatoes and grated carrots. The best greens are kale, collards, spinach and romaine lettuce. Iceberg lettuce isn't as nutritious as it is mostly water.

Benefits from this meal:

-Healthy heart

-Supports bones

-Clears congestion

-Prevents cancer

#3: Turkey wrap:

Lay out a whole wheat tortilla, spread on some mayo (optional) and then put on a few slices of fresh turkey, swiss cheese, tomatoes, lettuce and sliced avocado (optional)

Benefits from this meal:

-Gives energy

-Keeps you focused

-High in protein

-Boosts immune system (prevents illness)

#4: Fruit salad:

Take your favorite fruits & cut them carefully. I personally use grapes, apples, banana, strawberries, kiwis, pineapple, blueberries, watermelon and peeled oranges.

Benefits from this meal:

-Prevents cancer

-Improves vision

-Strengthens bones 


You get to decide the next chapter! 

Should I do:

a) How To: Beauty Hacks

b) How To: Deal With Braces

c) How To: TFIOS Nails

d) Make Up Essentials For Beginners (+ Best Budget Makeup Brands)

Comment your choice below!

QOTD- What's your favourite fruit and veggie?

I like apples/ watermelon and carrots :)

I know this chapter is short! Hopefully the next one will be longer. Comment, Vote & Share!

Till next time beauties! xoxo~ QuiQui

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