How To: Life Hacks

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Quote of The Day: "Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish but you can only spend it once."~ Lillian Dickson


 Just a few life hacks for you :)

1. No shaving cream? Use conditioner or body wash!

2. Brain freeze? Put your thumb at the roof of your mouth!

3. Use airplane mode to save battery power.

4. Wet nails but no time? Spray PAM on your nails and then wipe it off.

5. Heal paper cuts with Chapstick!

6. Rubbing an ice cube on your face can reduce blemishes.

7. Drinking a cold cup of water wakes you up more than coffee or soft drinks.

8. Hide money in an empty deodorant or chapstick container.

9. Put paper clips at the end of tape when you're done so you don't lose the edge.

10. If you have burnt your tongue eat a teaspoon of sugar to ease the pain.

11. Sad or angry? Smile for 60 seconds and your mood will lighten up!

12. Open your bag of chips from the bottom. That's where the flavour is kept!

13. Use beeswax to waterproof your shoes.

14. Put a bar of scented soap with your clothes when travelling. It will keep your clothes smelling fresher.

15. Tie a small piece of bright coloured fabric to your luggage. It saves a lot of time when you're looking for your bags.

16. Eating avocado is a good way to be happy and relieve depression.

17. Taking notes on a computer? Use a weird font! Studies show that uniqueness will make you more likely to remember them.

18. When your mascara starts running out use eye drops to make it last longer.

19. Drinking apple juice before you go to bed will give you wild dreams.

20. Watch movies for free online at

21. Wear a beanie at night to prevent frizzy hair in the morning.

22. Twist your hair and snip the ones sticking out to prevent split ends.

23. To fall asleep faster, blink 100 times.

24. Phone frozen? Plug in the charger or hold down the power button until it shuts off.

25. Use Vaseline to remove any extra makeup.

26. Eat a spoonful of peanut everyday before bed to improve your digestive system. 

27. Play the sound of an air conditioner on Youtube to mentally feel cooler and not hot. 

28. Index cards are the best way to study & will help you get better grades then before.

29. Eating salmon and nuts will help grow your hair longer in a short period of time. 

30. Avoid cramps while running by exhaling when your left foot touches the ground. 

31. Dip your toothbrush into baking soda before you brush your teeth to get whiter teeth.

32. Taking your clothes out and packing your school bag the night before will allow for a few extra minutes to sleep. 

33. Want a quick workout? Download the app seven minute workout. It's amazing!

34.  Focus more and get a better grade on a test by taking it with an empty stomach. (This actually works! However be sure that the test isn’t too long; if it is eat something light before)

35. Raise both hands over your head to stop coughing. 

36. If you accidentally closed a tab on your computer hit ctrl+shift+t to open it back up.

37. Eating meat and drinking dairy products will help you stay tan even longer.

38. Dip your nails into cold water for atleast 30 seconds to make them dry faster.

39. Exercise in the morning for it to be the most effective on your body.

40. Scratching the back of your ear can help relieve an itchy throat.


Hope you liked this chapter! You get to decide the next one!

Should I do :

a) How To: Beauty Hacks

b) 50 facts about Luke Hemmings

c) Style Steal: Ariana Grande

d) How To: Grow Longer Hair

Comment below! 

I think that I'll do this every chapter so that you guys get to read what YOU want to read and not just what I decide to post.

QOTD: Heels or flats? 

I love them both equally :)

Anyways, Comment, Vote & Share! 

Till next time beauties! xoxo~ QuiQui

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