From This Moment On

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Chapter Thirteen

Planning a wedding is horrific. I lasted about three days before I left the entire thing to Selena, Taylor and both of our mothers. I didn't even realize how completely insane women could be. Just because I am one, it doesn't mean I understand all of the craziness that comes with it. I never really dreamt about weddings and all that other crap that little girls do. The process itself took months and I simply did not have the patience.

I didn't care about color schemes, flowers, dresses, cake or who sat next to who at what table. Selena did though, so I opted to let her do her thing and pay for it. It was very expensive in case you were wondering. I pitched in with my opinion from time to time. It was important to Selena that everything was perfect so it was important to me as well.

We decided to get married at nighttime on the beach. Beaches and moonlight held a lot of significance to us. We settled on a deep purple and white as our wedding colors. I wanted black but Selena gently reminded me it was a wedding not a funeral. The logical choice would have been to combine our favorite colors, but we didn't want our wedding to look like Christmas, so purple and white it was.

The wedding date was fast approaching which meant our families were in town. Both of our mothers together were quite the handful. Not only did we have to listen to stories about how they knew all along we'd end up together, we also had to deal with their random bouts of crying from the sheer happiness of it all. It was a circus sideshow if you asked me. Luckily for me I had Gracie and Demi the dog to keep me entertained.

"Are you going to wear a dress?" Gracie asked as she moved the sand around with her hands.

"I don't know." I said truthfully. "I haven't really thought about it."

"I think you should wear a tux." She said as she continued to play in the sand. "I saw a picture of you wearing one once and I thought you looked pretty."

I knew exactly what picture she was referring to. I smiled at the memory. My senior year of high school a friend of mine got dumped before prom. She was very upset and embarrassed about the whole thing. I decided that I'd be her date to prom. I went all out. Limo, corsage, dinner, flowers, and tux. I also wore a fake mustache some of the time because I found it amusing and it made her laugh. Selena took several pictures of me in that tux. Gracie must have found them.

"Will you help me pick it out?" I asked.

"Duh." She sighed as she rolled her eyes.

"It's settled then. A tux." I smiled.

"Are you nervous?" She asked.

"About what?"

"Getting married to my sister."

"Not at all."

"You should be. She's crazy." Gracie muttered.

I couldn't help but laugh. "How would you know?"

"I over heard her talking to Taylor about some girl that she thinks likes you." She shrugged.

"And what exactly did she say?" I questioned. I found the whole conversation humorous.

"I'm not allowed to say bad words."

"It will be our little secret." I whispered leaning in close.

She glanced around to make sure the coast was clear. "She said that she'd cut a bitch."

Once again I laughed. "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Gracie answered sounding annoyed. "I don't even really know what that means but it sounds crazy. Can we stop talking about it now? I need to finish this sand castle."

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