The Shooting Range

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Hey guys (o-o) its been awhile hasn't it? Sorry bout that, I lost my phone so I haven't been able to get on and update anything but I found it now. Sorry...

Please comment and enjoy!


"So Yami, how do you like school so far?" Yugi asks as the final bell rings. To have made it here from his class on the other side of the school before the last bell of the day must have meant he got out early and rushed over. He does look a little out of breath but his eyes still sparkle slightly when he looks up at me.

"It is quite dreary. There isn't anything here that I don't already know," I reply with a slight huff to emphasis how extremely boring school is.

He casts a sideways glance at me, "I think you're lucky! If you know everything then you don't have to pay attention to all the boring lectures."

"I still have to take part in classes though, like wood shop," I shrug. We get a lot of glances from other students as we walk down the hall, even teachers spare a glance. If I were to take a guess as to why it would be because I am not exactly wearing the school uniform. I just didn't feel like wearing blue denim today, instead I dressed myself in a bright, one could even say blood red hoodie and black denim jeans with dark purple shoes. I pride myself in making a statement and I am sure this came across.

"Eh, yeah, but Yami... I didn't ask you earlier but why didn't you wear your uniform?"

I close my eyes and sigh, "The clothes are meant to signify my unwillingness to conform to the unjust rules of today's society."

"You realize that it may draw some unwanted attention to yourself," he says, lowering his voice to a whisper. I push the doors that lead out of the school open and leave the campus heading east.

Silence is a key piece in killing, the more secrets I keep, the better off I will be.

Changing the subject he asks, "So do you have any family?"

I wince slightly but answer, "My mother and sister are dead, my father a no show. I was adopted by a Kaiba, the younger brother of whoever adopted Seto, I was never given his name. My adoptive father was my first casualty."

Yugi pauses before asking, "Why would you kill the man who adopted you?"

"Simple, he was obsessed with being better than his older brother so he pushed me into a race of intelligence with Seto. Any time I would fall slightly behind he would abuse me," I spit out bitterly, noticing how tense my muscles are I pause to let myself cool off before continuing.

"What really pushed me over the edge though was when he took on the military weapons and police equipment business. He would sell to anyone with enough cash, drug dealers, gangs, you name it, he sold to them," I mutter with a little less venom than before.

We walk in silence for awhile. I wonder if I gave up to much information about myself, or worse, scared him off. Who just goes off and spills their life story out to anyone who asks? This isn't some therapy session! No one needs to hear that when they simply asked if I had any family! Stupid!

"So does that mean you own the company now?" Yugi finally asks, breaking the silence. I nod and he laughs, catching me by surprise, "Its ironic, the person the police are looking for is selling them their equipment!"

"The best part about that though, is I have programmed their equipment to never be able to match anything up to me. They won't figure out the crimes were committed by me unless someone catches me in the act or if someone turns me in."

I earn a grin from Yugi. Modifying the machines was a stroke of genius Yami, it took you a month to accomplish but you did it!The whole rest of our short journey I smile to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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