Behind the lilac eyes

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Welp here it goes, hope you enjoy and please keep sending feedback!

I wanted you guys to see a softer side of Yami this time instead of the killer side. You get to learn more about Yugi's character in this story in this chapter!


The morning sun shines in on me, casting warm welcoming rays through the window. The soft sheets of my bed wrap around me like a mothers arms, safe. I open my eyes just a bit, looking at the red tinted wall of my apartment. The silence that fills every hall and every room is a constant reminder that Im all alone in this world.

I sigh and sit up yawning, I know I must get up. The morning is a warm one, its a nice change from the normal cold weather we have. My bare feet touch the cold wooden floor as I stand up stretching and glancing out the window. A high school I never bothered to pay attention to before stands just across the street, the only purpose it holds for me today is to remind me of the boy who saw me last night.

I sleepily walk into my living room and sit on my black leather couch. It seems like all the furniture I own is made of black leather. I take a quick glance at myself in reflection off the flat screen television. My dark purple, silk pajamas are slightly wrinkled from the nights sleep but other than that I would say I don't look to bad.

"The latest murder was committed last night here in the apartments behind me. Mr.Wheeler was found dead with his throat slashed this morning by his son Joseph and Joseph's friend Yugi Motou," the television blares a little to loud as I turn it on, the news caster stands in front of the apartments I visited last night. A crowed of policemen and journalists swarm around the area.

"So I see the news travels fast," I say to myself with a slight smile.

"Here we are interviewing the two boys who found Mr.Wheeler, Joseph, Yugi, how do you feel about Mr.Wheeler's death?" The news reporter asks a tallish boy with shaggy blond hair who must be Joey and the short boy with lilac eyes who must be Yugi.

"I think he got what he deserved, he was an evil man," Joey says with a slight Brooklyn accent.

"I don't know what to think," whispers Yugi shyly looking directly into the camera, his eyes looking into mine as if asking me why I did it.

"Did you hear or see anything at all last night?" The news reporter asks like she really doesn't care.

"Nope, did you Yug?" Joey says turning to Yugi for an answer.

"No, nothing, I saw nothing," he says, I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. He didn't tell. Yugi, the strange boy I am fascinated by, didn't tell....

I flip the television off and stare at its blank screen. Why hadn't Yugi told? Any normal person would have. What makes him different....

I grab my black laptop off the coffee table and turn it on. The files I have access to are highly classified. It took me a few days to hack into them, even with the help of my genius cousin Seto Kaiba.

I type in Yugi Motou in the search bar, seconds later files begin to pop up. I open one;

Name: Yugi Motou

Age: 16

Home town: Domino City

Eye color: Purple

Hair color: Black, Purple, Blond

Skin color: Caucasian

Occupation: High School

Family: Grandfather, Solomon

Notes: Parents were murdered brutally in front of Yugi when he was 7, left mental scars, prone to have panic attacks and may have other stress related symptoms. The murderers were never found.

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