Puzzleshiping) At midnight

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Mmmm well this is a puzzleshipping story, it takes place in Yami's perspective. These characters may seem a little different than your used to. I don't own Yugioh or any of the characters, only the story! cx

Feedback is always appreciated!


The streets were dark, the occasional freak would walk past the window but otherwise the night was as empty as ever. The hum of the 24 hour cafe accompanied me dutifully, knowing I would leave soon. Even though it was late the eleven o'clock news was on the t.v. The news reporter dressed in a black suit with a red tie spoke calmly about the murders that had been going on for the last month or so.

"The head count is now at thirty four people dead and seven in a mental hospital," the news caster said looking into the camera with bleary eyes that practically begged for sleep, "The police still have no idea who the criminal is or where he will strike next. Be on lookout, he tends to strike at midnight."

I smile and take a sip of my coffee, I know who the killer is, there was no mystery about it. The killer is me. I don't consider my killings a criminal act, no, its completely an act of cleaning up the mess of trash that roam this city. I only kill the criminals that no one ever looks for, the men that abuse their wives and children, the drug leaders and the murderers who always get away.

As for myself, no one would believe I was capable of killing that many men. For starters, Im short for a boy my age, that is, short for a sixteen year old. I have been told I have a dark mysterious feel to me but people follow my orders, blindly trusting me. My tricolored hair sticks out in random tuffs that slightly resemble a starfish. As for clothing I wear a nice black suit with a purple tie, much like one a business man would wear.

I stand up taking the final sip of the caramel flavored coffee, the waitress that was obviously wishing she was at home had already gone back into the kitchen before I had even started the coffee five minutes ago. The stench of alcohol drifted out from between the cracks in the walls. I could leave now without paying and she would have been none the wiser but Im not that kind of person.

"Im leaving," I call out, taking fifty dollars out of my wallet and setting it on the counter. I smile as I leave knowing that she needed that money more than I did.

The dimly lit streets I walked down were perfect places to think of different ways to kill someone.

Tonight I planed on stopping by a Mr.Wheeler's place. He was an abusive father to his only son, Joseph, and he was a serious alcoholic. Trash. Scum. His son would do much better without him, he would get the money Mr.Wheeler inherited when both of his grandparents died. In the least he would be very wealthy, and the sad thing is, Joseph doesn't even know about the money, not yet at least.

I calmly looked into the apartments window before making my way up the stairs. No light was on, the man was probably passed out. The key was on the windowsill just as it always was, it felt cold against my skin as I picked it up.

The door swung open freely without use of the key, that made things much simpler for me. I strolled in casually, letting the door close behind me with a soft thud.

Snores echo throughout the whole house, radiating from the bedroom at the end of the hall. I flip a light switch on and the hall fills with a soft flickering yellow light.

I had thought the stench of alcohol was bad at the cafe but here it was ten times worse, it nearly made me want to throw up. Scattered all around my feet are beer cans and shattered bottles that surely contain traces of vodka or something even more foul.

"The day has come, your time is up, no longer will you pollute this earth," I hum to myself smiling as I feel my muscles tense in preparation. I make sure to kick the bottles out of my way as loudly as I can while walking toward the end of the hall.

"Joey, i-is that you?" asks a soft and sweet voice, it surely doesn't belong to Mr.Wheeler or his son. It couldn't have been The daughter either, it was a boyish voice tinted with kindness and sincerity.

A boy shorter than I pokes his head out from around the corner of a doorway to the side of the hall. His tricolored hair was vaguely star shaped like mine. He had soft lilac colored eyes that shown out innocence.

"Who a-are you?" he asks, taken aback, his eyes wide and fearful. I don't want him to be afraid, in fact it hurts me to see him afraid.

"Its alright," I say smiling, hoping that my calm voice will help this situation.

"Why are you here?" he asks, his voice just a whisper.

"Im here to make Joseph, or as you call him, Joey's life better," I say taking a step toward him, trying to look friendly and open but not sure if I am succeeding since all I ever do now is try to strike fear into the hearts of my victims.

"You are? How are you going to do that?" he questions, his innocent eyes gazing into mine. I feel my heart swell, warmth floods through me. I can't believe It but I think I might actually like this stranger....

"Its a secret and no matter how bad it may seem when you both wake up, know that it will help," I say softly, taking another step forward, Im close enough to feel his warm breath and hear his heart beat yet we aren't touching, just standing here face to face.

"What do you mean by that?" he asks but I only shake my head.

"Just go back to sleep," I mumble. Its insane to let this one boy live, he has seen me! He could easily turn me in tomorrow and if he does, like any normal person would I will kill him but with actual regret. Maybe Im just curious to see what he will do, yes, that must be it.

He bites his smooth lip and nods slightly, sliding back into the room and shutting the door closed behind him leaving me face to face with a cherry colored wooden door.

I shake my head at how stupid Im acting, its silly, I don't feel emotions like love right? That just isn't me right?

I take a deep breath and this time stroll more cautiously down the hall to the open doorway.

A mound of sweaty cloth covered fat lays directly in front of me. The sound of its snores sound like two mountains are having a wrestling match.

I glance at the clock, its already twelve fifteen, I had better make this a fast kill, a simple cut of the throat.

Blood immediately gushes from his throat, his breathing turns to gasps before gurgling off. I dip a finger in the blood and draw out a symbol across his chest that links all the cases together, letting police know that it was in fact the same killer each time. A pyramid with an eye in the middle.

I silently slip out his bedroom window, blending into the night, eager to see if the boy with lilac eyes will turn me in.


Continued later:

Behind the lilac eyes

Hope you enjoyed! I know its different but I kind of wanted it to be! please let me know what you think and if you have any ideas you can let me know!

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