First blood

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In this chapter there is a lot of skipping around from place to place so bare with me okay?


As I stand in front of the full body mirror in all black clothing I can't help but be a little disappointed in my self for being such a push over. After all these years of steeling myself, I give in to the whim of a teenage boy. I mean, I've heard people try to bribe me, threaten me, and beg for their lives!

The power Yugi has over me is dangerous, is there any way to just, I don't know, turn it off? When I'm near him I feel as though I'm sitting on a cloud, but when I'm away from him I feel empty. Why does he have this affect on me?

I can't let Yugi accompany me tonight, this will be far to dangerous! He could easily get hurt and it would truly be all my fault. But how to break the news to him....

I mull it over while sliding daggers into my belt. Choosing to figure out how to tell him later, I turn to the table next to me and focus on loading the two pistols that will eventually slide into the hidden holsters on the inside of my jacket.

Once I finish stocking up on weapons I slide on the black leather jacket that completes my outfit. The jacket completely covers all the weapons, effectively concealing them with its bulkiness.

Glancing at the clock, I see that its 11:23. Perfect, I guess I should head over to Yugi's place now...

~~~~~~~~~~Yugi's house

As I walk up to the Game shop I see that I don't even need to sneak in through the window or use an annoying door. Yugi stands outside his home, dressed in all black and illuminated by the street lamp. He leans against the green door with a hint of caution painted across his face like he might bolt inside if he hears even one suspicious sound.

I smile while standing in the shadows, he looks cute standing there, even in all black on a dark night he doesn't look imposing.

"Hey, Yugi," I whisper, watching as he jumps at the sound of my voice.

He looks around into the darkness, clinging onto the door for dear life. He obviously can't see me, his eyes have passed over me many times as he searches wildly for the source of the words.

"Calm down, it is only me," I whisper, walking into the light of the street lamp with my hands in my pockets.

"Oh," he replies as he laughs in an embarrassed and nervous way. With the way he is acting, it would seem as though we were making a drug deal or something......


I mentally slap myself on the forehead, of course he is nervous! Im a killer and he is about to witness me kill people!

"So Yugi, I've been thinking about you actually joining me and I do not think it would be a good idea. You could get injured so easily," I say, looking away and out into the darkness.

"No, Yami, I told you I want to go and I will. Whether you take me with you or not! I will follow you, but if I'm not by your side I have an even higher chance of getting hurt, right? So please take me with you!" he says. I take a glance at him only to see that he has his arms crossed and a firmness in his eyes that makes me believe that he will actually follow me.

"Yugi..." I mumble with an exasperated sigh, already giving in, yet again, to him.

His eyes brighten and he grins up at me, "Really? Thank you Yami!"

And then he hugs me. Let me tell you something now, hugs are really weird. It is basically people wrapping their arms around each other and sharing body heat. But thats not the weirdest part, the weirdest part is that the hug is actually enjoyable...

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