The past

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Thank you guys so much for commenting! I didn't really expect all the feed back and loved it! Please keep commenting what you think!

This is going to be a short chapter because the main point of it is to tell you about Yami's past and what made him the killer he became.


I look around the near empty roof, a chain fence circles the perimeter making this place feel more like a prison than a school. Joey, Seto and a group of other teens sit with their backs against the fence joking around. What surprised me most was not that Seto was joking around, which is weird in itself, but that he had his arm around Joey's waist the way that clearly lets others know they are a couple.

"Hey guys!" Yugi says cheerfully, skipping over to the group while I hang back, observing.

"Hey Yug! Where have ya been? We were beginning to think ya ditched us," Joey says.

"Well one of those thugs was about to beat me up but Yami came up behind him kicked his butt and saved me," he says flashing me a stunning smile from over his shoulder.

"So you met Yami too?" Joey asks looking over Yugi's shoulder and grinning at me. At the mention of my name Seto's head shoots up to look at me, and he unwraps his arm from around Joey quickly as if I didn't already see it.

"Yeah, how did you meet him?" Yugi asks.

"We have all our morning classes together. Well to start with introductions, that is Duke," he says pointing to a boy with sea green eyes, black hair in a hair tie and a dice shaped earring.

"Tristan," a boy with pointy hair says nodding at me.

"Im Ryou," another boy with snow white hair and skin, and with his accent there is no doubt he is from British descent.

"Im Anzu (Tea)" a says a girl with brown hair enthusiastically, I can't help but laugh to myself when I see how she is dressed, I've seen prostitutes that wear more clothing than her.

"Where are you from? Did you just move here?" Tristan asks.

Hmm, personal questions...should I answer truthfully or lie? Lies are hard to keep up with...the truth is best for now.

"I am from Domino, never been anywhere else really," I answer, still standing and observing. Anzu seems to be flirting obnoxiously with Yugi who couldn't care less and is instead focused on what I am saying.

"Oh, then why haven't we seem you in school before?" asks Joey.

Time to lie.

"Well I was homeschooled, I never needed to take courses anyways."


Then they started joking around, and I found myself smiling and laughing along with them. It felt nice but I knew it wouldn't last, it never does.

The bell rings out and everyone stands up and heads towards the stairs.

"So Yami why are you really here?" Yugi asks me quietly, looking up at me with his soft lilac eyes.

"Honestly I don't know," I reply, wanting to tell him that he was the reason why but knowing it would only push him farther away from me.

I look up at everyone from the group, they are kind of like my family though I only just met them.


I stop at the top of the staircase, frozen. Everyone else walks ahead, not noticing that I stopped, everyone except Yugi, who turns and looks up at me quizzically.


And then the memories I buried away deep inside me come roaring back to me. I stumble backwards, breathing heavily, eyes wide and fall to my knees. Im barely aware of the fact that Yugi is next to me right now or of the warm tears that run down my face.

My mother, a woman with long black hair and blond bangs, gazes at me lovingly from her hospital bed. Her pale skin has a translucent look to it. Her weak and fragile hand grips mine as she begins to speak.

"Yami, listen now, this is important. My time is up an-" she says in a weak, raspy voice before I cut her off.

"No! Don't give up! Please! You will get better, You have to!" I yell back on the verge of tears, my eleven year old mind unable to understand it all.

"Yami thats enough....You need to grow up now and face the world....Your father is never coming back to us and Im dying.... Your sister needs you....please...protect...her..." she manages to wheeze out before the heart monitor stops.

A month later, after my mother passed I stand outside my uncle's house holding my younger sister's soft hand. Her short brown hair shines even on this muggy cold day. Her pink sweater and jeans seem to be keeping the cold out as she gazes up at me with purple eyes similar to my own.

My uncle is the only living relative that can help me at this point. As I knock on the door it swings open easily, there was no lock which struck me as odd. I stepped inside pulling my sister in with me and froze with horror.

My Uncle's body lay on the floor, his throat slashed open. Blood splatters painted the walls and a man stood in the middle of the room with a bloody knife in his hand.

The next thing I knew I was on the ground, unable to move with an aching pain in my head. My head turned to the side so I could see it all happen.

My sister had been stabbed in the stomach, tears ran down her face as her pink sweater slowly became blood red around the knife. She fell to the ground, unmoving, dead. All I kept thinking was, she was only nine, why her? Why not me?

Protect her. Protect her. Protect her. Failed.

"Yami! Yami!" a voice called out to me, it woke me up. Yugi.

I opened my eyes and looked up to see his eyes full of worry. I was on the ground, Yugi kneeling next to me.

"Im...Im fine," I say shakily, sitting up and looking at him.

"What happened?" he asks, he should know though, he deals with it as well.

"Nothing, it was only a memory," I whisper, more to console myself that him.

Only a memory.


Sorry it was so terrible! I couldn't really think of anything to write.


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