High school

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Well here it is, I didn't write this for awhile because I have been busy with ideas for other stories.

Please, please PLEASE comment, it lets me know if you actually like the story or not.

The stench of sweat, toxic amounts of AXE body spray and teenage hormones emit from all around me as noisy high school boys and girls chatter away. I hope I NEVER emit such a horrid stench in my life. They all look at me at some point with curiosity, jealousy or lust but I pay them no heed. Why should I?

'I do not need to be here,' I think to myself as I walk confidently down the hall, analyzing these teens. The popular girls chatter obnoxiously while applying a heaping of make up that makes them look like clowns. Jocks stare at the girls like the brainless piles of meat they are. The nerds, well they are being mistreated by the bullies while the teachers look the other way.

I shake my head and walk into my first class of the day, Geometry. While the kids who are early look me over with interest I look the teacher in the eyes and nod my head in my own kind of respective bow.

I turn and glance over the class, pausing when I see two ice cold, clear blue eyes staring at me. I smirk at my cousin's shocked face, he hardly ever seems truly shocked.

"Yami what are you doing HERE?" Seto asks angrily, his eyebrows pulling down disapprovingly.

"I might ask you the same thing. Since when have either of us needed to take any courses? Especially you," I say walking over to his seat in the back of the room and sitting in a free desk.

"I..well..." He stutters but regains his composure almost immediately, "It isn't any of your business! Besides you know it is dangerous to enroll in school like this! What if someone finds out?"

"I don't really care but what about Kaiba Corp? You left it up to your TEN YEAR OLD brother to run?"

"...Not completely, just during the day," he says, taping his fingers on the desk in a way to let me know that he is clearly annoyed with me.

"Hey, why did ya take my seat?" asks a familiar Brooklyn accent, I turn around to see Joseph Wheeler standing with his arms crossed but a friendly smile on his face.

"This is your seat? I apologize, I was just chatting briefly with Seto," I say standing up, facing him squarely like I always do to new people.

"Kaiba, ya know this new guy?" Joseph questions, looking over my shoulder at Seto.

Before Seto can answer a bell rings, students rush in, still chatting loudly, flirting and scrambling to copy down homework from someone else. Joey takes his seat and swings his backpack off his shoulder and onto the ground. I take a seat on the other side of Seto that is completely empty and look out the window at all the late teenagers who rush towards the building.

The teacher starts droning on about something unimportant while I think about the reason I am here and wondering where he is at.

'Who killed his parents and where are they now? How long before I take them out?'

------------12:30 (lunch)

So far I had been out of luck, I had no classes with Yugi up to this point but I had plenty of classes with Joseph who properly introduced himself as Joey.

Joey is a good guy, he is open, friendly and always is ready for a good game. He told me about all of his friends, Tristan, Anzu (Tea), Kaiba, Bakura, and Yugi. He even invited me to eat with them at lunch today, which brings me to my current situation.

I'm lost.

I walk along a hall looking for stairs that lead to the roof but this place is like a maze. I turn the corner and stop dead in my tracks.

There is Yugi, but he can't see me because a giant freak has him by the collar and is yelling at him.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK? DO YOU? NO? I THINK, NO, KNOW YOU ARE A FREAK WHO CAN'T KEEP HIS TRAP SHUT!" The guy yells at Yugi who tries to cower back even though he can't. I feel my blood boil and I slowly walk up behind the guy, falling behind him like a shadow.

"AS SOON AS I'M DONE WITH YOU YOUR JUST GONNA' RUN HOME TO YOUR MAMMA AND CRY! YOUR SO WEAK IT MAKES ME SICK!" the bully yells, his face red as he screams. He raises a fist to swing at Yugi's face but I grab it instead.

"You are the weak one," I say in an even voice, and glaring at him as he turns to me in shock, letting Yugi go.

I twist his hand before he has time to react. His half silent scream fills the empty halls. I push him up against the lockers, staring into his eyes and putting an arm to his throat, cutting off his oxogen.

"You will not mess with Yugi ever again, understand? If you do, well, lets just say I know how to hide a body," I hiss pushing my arm harder against his throat while his eyes widen with fear and shock of the threat.

I move my arm off his throat and push him roughly away, down the hall. His retreat is quick, a sprint down the hall and around the corner.

"Good riddance," I mumble, still angry. Turning around I smile softly at Yugi who looks back at me with shock from the floor where he must have fallen when the bully let him go.

"You go to this school?" Yugi asks which I let out a short laugh in response.

"As of today I do," I say offering my hand to help him up.

"Why?" he asks taking my hand and letting me pull him up, his lilac eyes never leaving my face as if I might disappear.

"Because I can do as I please," I reply with another short laugh, "Now how about we go meet your friend Joseph for lunch, I'm feeling a bit hungry.

"Alright!" he says with a bright smile that makes me smile back.

He pulls me down the hall laughing toward the staircases I couldn't find before. I glance at our joined hands for one moment and smile at little bit broader, if this is what high school is like I will defiantly hang around.




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